Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Month: May 2022

Rebecca’s talk at Physiology RIP Seminar

Another great talk by Rebecca, this time at Physiology Research-In-Progress Seminar!

Rafael passes thesis prospectus

Congratulations to Rafael on passing his thesis prospectus. One step closer to PhD!

Rebecca’s talk at INP RIP

Rebecca nailed her talk at the INP RIP seminar!

Physiology Retreat 2022

After a two year hiatus, an in-person annual retreat is back to Physiology Department!

Retreat logo designed by Ke:Ke is giving a talk on the sense of touch in Elephant Nose Fish:Maddy’s talking about molecular mechanisms of thirst suppression during hibernation:Winners of the poster competition (L to R): Luke, Qian (Chang lab), Rafael, Ke and Elena (didn’t win anything):A grand prize (final Quiz) winner – Maryann!

Rafael’s and Yury’s talks at Physiology RIPs

Rafael and Yury gave spectacular talks at a Physiology Research-In-Progress Seminar!

Joanna joins Elena’s lab

Joanna Haoran Cao, a PhD student from the Neuroscience track, joins Elena’s lab. Welcome!

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