Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Month: August 2019

Wang and Evan leave the lab

Bittersweet news – Wang and (find) Evan are moving on, leaving behind them a huge legacy in the lab! Good luck!


Sarah and Jenny at the Neuroday posters!


A new study from our lab on how cold affects mechanoreceptor function is out in PNAS!

Zheng W*, Nikolaev YA*, Gracheva EO, Bagriantsev SN. Piezo2 integrates mechanical and thermal cues in vertebrate mechanoreceptors.  PNAS 2019, 116(35): 17547-17555.

Art in the lab

Art can be inspiring, motivational and more. Maddy and Sarah draw their everyday inspiration and motivation in part from Squirrel Triptych – an original art by Oleg Grachov, now displayed in Elena’s lab.


Evan Anderson, PhD

Evan has successfully defended his PhD thesis!

Find Evan.Congratulations, Dr. Anderson!

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