Slav and Elena Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Month: April 2017

Lydia wins poster competition at Neuroscience retreat

Jenny, Elena, Lydia.Jenny, Jon, Marco, Evan, Lydia, Elena.Evan is chairing a scientific session.

Find Evan!

Viktor is a Brown – Coxe Fellow

Viktor Feketa receives a James Hudson Brown – Alexander B. Coxe postdoctoral fellowship. Congratulations, Viktor!

A recursive cryptic illusion (Evan’s R.I.P. talk)

Evan gave a great RIP talk in Physiology! (You dont’ know yet who’s on the photo, there is a cryptic puzzle game below).

Cryptic puzzle: Find Evan!

(A hint: this is Evan):
You may have noticed a rare recursive illusion: Evan is eating a pizza while watching Evan giving a seminar. Only in Slav and Elena’s labs!

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