You can download my CV here. Some highlights are presented below.


Tamar-Mattis, Squid. 2024. “United Cyclic Agree.” Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America.

Wood, Jim and Squid Tamar-Mattis. 2024. “A (great) many of many constructions.” Yale Working Papers in Grammatical Diversity.


2024. Cross-world reference. Sinn und Bedeutung 29, Noto, Italy.

2024. Let’s try and figure out whether this is pseudo-coordination. Penn Linguistics Conference 48, University of Pennsylvania.

2024. A model-theoretic account of cross-world sentences. Southern New England Workshop in Semantics, Harvard University.

2024. United Cyclic Agree. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, New York City.

2023. Feature gluttony and absolutive shift in Basque. Stony Brook, Yale, NYU, & CUNY Linguistics Conference, Yale University.


2024. Cross-world reference. Sinn und Bedeutung 29, Consorzio Universitario Mediterraneo Orientale.