How large is the commitment to join the team?
The amount of time racers dedicate to the team depends on the individual’s interest level. We have five weekend-long races a year and team members can choose to go to one race weekend or all five. We have weekly dinners as a team and social events, which are other fun ways for students to participate in the team.
Can people without previous racing experience join?
Absolutely! We ask that you have at least six years of experience skiing or snowboarding before joining the team but we have no requirement for prior racing experience. Most people who join the team have never skied in gates before.
What equipment is required?
Racers must bring their own helmets, goggles, and winter clothing. Helmets must meet the new FIS standards. Most team members bring their skis, poles, and boots from home, although it is possible to rent at every mountain we go to. A few team members use racing gear and bring both GS and slalom skis, but this is in no way required. Shin guards, a chin guard, and pole guards are suggested but not required. The majority of the team does not wear GS suits.
How does the team train?
While we do not have much on-snow training during the season, we occasionally organize informal practices during the winter at local mountains.
How can I get involved?
Reach out to this year’s captains on our “Contact Us” page, or come find us at the extracurricular bazaar at the start of each academic year! If you want to join the email list, go to, go to “all groups” and search ‘ski.’ Then join the email list “Ski Recruits 2024.” Through this, you will receive all important communications related to the ski season!