Listed on this webpage are a number of papers that Professor Benhabib has written on various topics and for various events. These are all in PDF format. If you do not have a PDF reader, you can download the free Adobe Reader at
Who’s on Trial, Eichmann or Arendt? New York Times Editorial, 09-21-2014
A Conversation with Seyla Benhabib and Judith Resnik
Borders, Boundaries, and Citizenship.pdf
PS: Political Science and Politics, 38(4), 2005.
Citizens, Residents and Aliens in a Changing World. Political Membership in the Global Era.pdf
Social Research, Vol. 66, No. 3, (Fall 1999), Pp. 709-744.
Claiming Rights Across Borders: International Human Rights and Democratic Sovereignty.pdf
American Political Science Review, vol. 103, No. 4 (November 2009), pp. 691-704.
Cosmopolitanism and Democracy. Affinities and Tensions.pdf
The Hedgehog Review, Fall 2009.
Epistemologies Of Postmodernism. A Rejoinder To Jean Francois Lyotard.pdf
New German Critique, 1984, No. 22, 103-26.
Feminist Theory and Hannah Arendt’s Concept of Public Space.pdf
History Of The Human Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 2, May 1993, 97-115.
In Search Of Europe’s Borders. The Politics of Migration In The European Union.pdf
Dissent. Fall 2002, 33-39.
In Defense of Universalism. A Response to Critics of Situating the Self.pdf
New German Critique 62, 1994.
Feminism And The Question Of Postmodernism
Praxis International, Vol. 11, No. 2, July 1991, 137-150.
Also published in The Polity Reader in Gender Studies, Polity Press, 1994.
In Memoriam. Iris Marion Young.pdf
Constellations 13, 2006.
International Law and Human Plurality in the Shadow of Totalitarianism Hannah Arendt and Raphael Lemkin.pdf
Constellations, vol. 1, No. 2 (2009), pp. 331-350.
Also published in: Simon-Dubnow Jahrbuch, Simon-Dubnow Institut (Leipzig 2009).
Judgment and the Moral Foundations of Politics in Arendt’s Thought.pdf
Political Theory, Vol. 16, No. 1, February 1988, 29-51.
Judith Nisse Shklar 1928-1992 – A Biographical Memoir.pdf
Proceedings of The American Philosophical Society. Vol. 148, No. 4 (December 2004), Pp. 530-534.
On European Citizenship. Replies to David Miller.pdf
Dissent 4, 1998.
On the Alleged Conflict between Democracy and International Law.pdf
Ethics And International Affairs, Vol. 19, No. 1 (2005), pp. 85-101.
Another Universalism: The Unity and Diversity of Human Rights.pdf
Presidential address to American Philosophical Association, December 2006; published in: Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association (November 2007).
Identity, Perspective and Narrative in Hannah Arendt’s ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem’.pdf
History and Memory 8, 1996.
Zum Tod von Jacques Derrida: Philosophie des Zerbrechlichen.pdf
Die Zeit, October 14, 2004.
Political Geographies in a Global World. Arendtian Reflections.pdf
Social Research 69, 2002.
Renewed Antagonisms in the Complex Relationship between Jews and Germans in the FRG.pdf
Review of Jüergen Habermas, Between Facts And Norms: Contributions To A Discourse Theory Of Law And Democracy.pdf
APSR, Vol. 91, No. 3, Fall 1997, 725-6.
Review of Margaret Canovan, Hannah Arendt: A Reinterpretation Of her Political Thought, And Jeffrey C. Isaac, Arendt, Camus, And Modern Rebellion.pdf
Journal Of Modern History, Vol. 67, No. 3, September 1995, 687-91.
Review of Jean Cohen, Class And Civil Society. The Limits Of Marxian Social Theory.pdf
Political Theory, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1984, 305-08.
Review of Milton Fisk, Ethics And Society: A Marxist Interpretation Of Value.pdf
Philosophical Review, 1983, Vol. xcii, No. 2, 246-49.
Review of Joan Scott, Parité, and Marilyn Friedman, Women and Citizenship.pdf
edited by Marilyn Friedman, Hypatia. Journal of Feminist Philosophy, vol. 23, No. 4 (October-December 2008), pp. 220-225.
Review of William Rehg Insight and Solidarity. A Study in the Discourse Ethics of Jurgen Habermas.pdf
The Philosophical Review 105, 1996.
Rhetorical Affects and Critical Intentions: A Response to Ben Gregg.pdf
Theory and Society 26, 1987.
Sexual Difference And Collective Identities: The New Global Constellation.pdf
Signs, Vol. 24, Number 2, Winter 1999, Pp. 336-363.
The ‘Claims’ of Culture Properly Interpreted. Response to Nikolas Kompridis.pdf
Political Theory 34, 2006.
The Legacy of Jacques Derrida.pdf
The Legitimacy of Human Rights.pdf
Daedalus, 2008.
The Methodological Illusions of Modern Political Theory. The Case of Rawls and Habermas.pdf
Neue Hefte Fuer Philosophie, 1982, 47-74.
The Next Iran or the Next Brazil. Right-Wing Groups behind Political Violence in Turkey.pdf
MERIP Reports 77, 1979.
The Pariah And Her Shadow. On The Invisibility Of Women In Hannah Arendt’s Political Philosophy.pdf
Political Theory, Vol. 23, No. 3, February 1995, 5-24.
The Return of Political Theology: The Scarf Affair in Comparative constitutional perspective in France, Germany and Turkey.pdf
Philosophy and Social Criticism 36, 2010.
The Strange Silence of Political Theory. Response.pdf
The Utopian Dimension in Communicative Ethics.pdf
New German Critique, 1985, No. 35, 83-96.
Transformations of Citizenship. The Case of Contemporary Europe.pdf
The Leonard Shapiro Memorial Lecture. Government And Opposition. Volume 37, No.4 (Autumn 2002): 439-465.
Turkey’s Constitutional Zig-Zags.pdf
Dissent (Winter 2009), pp. 29-32.
Twilight of Sovereignty or the Emergence of Cosmopolitan Norms? Rethinking Citizenship in Volatile Times.pdf
Citizenship Studies, vol. 11, No. 1 February 2007, pp. 19-36.
Urteilskraft und die moralischen Grundlagen der Politik im Werk Hannah Arendts.pdf
Zeitschrift Fuer Philosophische Forschung, Vol. 41, No. 4, October – December, 1987, 521-547.