
Professor Benhabib has written extensively in her area of expertise.  She is the author of a number of books, including…

book-critique_norm_and_utopia2  Critique, Norm and Utopia. A Study of the Normative Foundations of Critical Theory(1986; German, Kritik, Norm und Utopie, Fischer Verlag, 1992)

book-situating_the_self2 Situating the Self. Gender, Community and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics (1992; winner of the National Educational Association’s best book of the year award

book-der-streit-um-differenz Der Streit um Differenz. Feminismus und Postmoderne in der Gegenwart (1993, Together with Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell and Nancy Fraser)

 book-reluctant_modernism_of_hannah_arendt2 The Reluctant Modernism of Hannah Arendt (1996; reissued in 2002; Hannah Arendt und die Melancholische Denkerin der Moderne, Suhrkamp 2006)

book-feminism_as_critique2  in English, Feminism as Critique (1994)

book-selbst_im_kontext2  German, Selbst im Kontext, Suhrkamp 1995

book-claims_of_culture2  The Claims of Culture. Equality and Diversity in the Global Era, (2002)

book-rights_of_others2  The Rights of Others. Aliens, Citizens and Residents (2004), which won the Ralph Bunche award of the American Political Science Association (2005) and the North American Society for Social Philosophy award (2004); translated as Die Rechte der Anderen (Suhrkamp 2008)

book-another_cosmopolitanism2  Another Cosmopolitanism: Hospitality, Sovereignty and Democratic Iterations, with responses by Jeremy Waldron, Bonnie Honig and Will Kymlicka (Oxford University Press, 2006)

book-dignity_in_adversity2  Dignity in Adversity. Human Rights in Troubled Times (UK and USA: Polity Press, 2011)

book-kosmopolitismus2  German, Kosmopolitismus und Demokratie (Campus 2008)

book_DemocraticDisconnect_small  The Democratic Disconnect. Citizenship and Accountability in the Transatlantic Community

book_MigrationAndMobilities_small  Mobility and Immobility. Gender, Borders and Citizenship

book__FeministContentions_small  Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange (Thinking Gender)

book_FeminismAsCritique_small  Feminism As Critique: On the Politics of Gender (Exxon Lecture Series)

Exile, Statelessness and Migration. Playing Chess with History from Hannah Arendt to Isaiah Berlin (Princeton 2018)

She has most recently edited, together with Judith Resnik, Migrations and Mobilities: Gender, Borders and Citizenship (NYU Press, 2009; named by Choice one of the outstanding academic books of the year), and also, Politics in Dark Times. Encounters with Hannah Arendt (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010).   Toward New Democratic Imaginaries: Istanbul Dialogues on Islam, Culture and Politics, ed. by Seyla Benhabib and Volker Kaul, with a new introduction by Seyla Benhabib, Springer Verlag, November 2016.

Her work has been translated into German, Spanish, French, Italian, Turkish, Swedish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Hebrew, Japanese and Chinese and she has also edited and coedited 10 volumes on topics ranging from democracy and difference to feminism as critique; the communicative ethics controversy and identities, allegiances and affinities.