Management / Supervisory / Leadership Experience
2021– 2022: Chair, Nominating Committee, of AURA, the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy
2018 – 2021: Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of AURA, the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy. AURA is a consortium of 46 US institutions and 4 international affiliates that operates world-class astronomical observatories for the National Science Foundation and NASA. AURA’s role is to establish, nurture, and promote public observatories and facilities that advance innovative astronomical research. AURA is responsible for the successful management and operation of five centers: the Gemini Observatory; the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST); the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO); the National Solar Observatory (NSO); and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) which operates the Hubble Space Telescope.
2016 – present: Chair of the Department of Astronomy, Yale University
2017 – 2018: Chair, Science and Engineering Chairs’ Council (SECC) at Yale. The SECC Chair interacts with Chairs of other science departments at Yale (including Mathematics, Statistics, Psychology and Anthropology) and liaises with Yale administration to relay concerns and solve issues brought forward by the other chairs.
2015 –present: Member, Board of the TESS Asteroseismic Science Consortium (TASC). TASC is an international consortium of about 150 scientists that organizes the asteroseismic analysis of data collected by NASA’s TESS mission. The Board sets the policies of the consortium.
2016 – 2016: Chair, Mikulsky Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) Users’ Group (MUG). MUG ensures that the data archives housed at MAST are well maintained, easily accessible, and serves users’ needs.
2014 – 2021: Member of the Board of Directors of AURA.
2014 – present: Member Representative for Yale University to AURA
2014 – 2016: Member of the Physical Sciences and Engineering Tenure and Advisory Committee, Yale University.
2014 – 2014: Member, Visiting Committee to evaluate physics and laboratory astrophysics done with laser facilities that are funded by the French Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA).
2014 – 2014: Member, Evaluation Committee charged with evaluating the performance of the Director of the Space Telescope Science Institute
2013 – 2015: Member, Mikulsky Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) Users’ Group (MUG)
2012 – 2013: Member, Committee of Visitors, National Solar Observatory. The committee was charged with determining the state of the observatory, operations and staff concerns.
2011 – 2011: Member, Evaluation Committee charged with evaluating the performance of National Solar Observatory’s leadership
2011 – 2016: Director of Graduate Admissions, Department of Astronomy, Yale University
2010 – present: Member, University Advisory Committee of the Yale-New Haven Teachers’ Institute
2009 – present: Member, Steering Committee, Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium (KASC). KASC is an international consortium of about 200 scientists engaged in asteroseismic analysis of data collected by NASA’s Kepler mission. The steering committee set policy for collaborations and data usage.
2008 – 2008: Committee of Visitors, AGS division of the GEO directorate of the National Science Foundation. The committee was charged with examining whether proposals submitted to ATM were been evaluated in a timely manner.
2006 – 2009: Member MOWG (Management and Operations Working Group) of NASA’s Living With a Star program.
2005 – 2011: Member, Users’ Committee, National Solar Observatory
2003 – 2010: Member, Scientific Advisory Committee of the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG). GONG is a network of solar observatories funded by NSF
2009 – 2010: Member, Social Sciences Tenure Committee, Yale University
2002 – 2007: Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Astronomy, Yale University