Category Archives: Workshops and Presentations

Conference presentations: Multilingual Approaches in World Language Education: Perspectives from Arabic Learning Contexts

Happy to accept Prof. Emma Trentman’s invitation to be part of the Colloquium in AAAL 2022. This colloquium focuses on multilingual approaches to language learning in the context of U.S. learners of Arabic.  Arabic is a language known for its diglossic nature, extensive variation in regional dialects, and use in multilingual contexts.  While the challenges … Continue reading Conference presentations: Multilingual Approaches in World Language Education: Perspectives from Arabic Learning Contexts

Upcoming Conference Presentations: How the COVID 19 Pandemic offers Opportunities for Student Engagement in Language

Happy to accept Ustatha Magda El-Sherbini’s invitation to be part of this panel. The current situation created by the COVID 19 pandemic offers opportunities for universities to develop innovative approaches to language instruction. Libraries can play a vital role in this process by establishing contacts and facilitating communications. Library Area Studies departments are well-positioned to … Continue reading Upcoming Conference Presentations: How the COVID 19 Pandemic offers Opportunities for Student Engagement in Language

Teaching Social Justice in the Language Classroom

Foreign Language Association of Virginia 

Fall 2021 Virtual Conference / Oct 7 – 9


Session 26: Technology to Help Incorporate Social Justice in the Language Classroom
Although I do not teach Arabic, there was a plethora of useful content for me to reflect on and consider for my Spanish classroom. Thank you for sharing!
Really liked the puppet show idea and the way she incorporated diversity and justice in to her characters.
I liked seeing the overlapping applications for language learning, social justice, and technology. The lesson on play characters’ names is excellent – it meets the linguistic goals and addresses a social justice issue in an approachable way.


Facilitating in the ACTFL Summer Learning Series with a focus on Social Justice

Organized by the amazing ACTFL education team Paul Sandrock (Senior Advisor for Language Learning Initiatives) and Lea Graner Kennedy (ACTFL Education Senior Advisor )the ACTFL Summer Learning Series launched on July  13th and continues till July 22nd. Pamela M. Wesely (Professor, Multilingual Education) and Cassandra Glynn (Associate Professor, Education) authors of the book Words and … Continue reading Facilitating in the ACTFL Summer Learning Series with a focus on Social Justice

Connecting with Local Communities in Arabic Language Classes

I was happy to accept The Chicago Arabic Teachers Council’s (CATC) invitation to present at their annual conference, which will focus on connecting Arabic language classrooms to the wider world. The presentation showcased opportunities for Arabic instructors to collaborate with local and international communities to enrich their teaching.  The presentation included the following: Brief Background, … Continue reading Connecting with Local Communities in Arabic Language Classes

The Consortium of Middle East National Resource Centers Virtual Workshop

At Yale, the Hebrew and Arabic programs have collaborated to create a class in which both languages are introduced, emphasizing their linguistic resemblance, engaging the students in shared cultural themes, and introducing spoken Hebrew and a few Arabic dialects. The course has a twofold aim: to introduce a new Semitic language to speakers of the … Continue reading The Consortium of Middle East National Resource Centers Virtual Workshop