Bookforum, February/March 2012
Intellectuals, Reason, and History: In Memory of Tony Judt
H-France Salon 4, 2 (January 2012), posted online at
The Vertical Alliance Today
Sh’ma, November 2011
Soft Sells: On Liberal Internationalism
The Nation, October 3, 2011
Face the Nations
Tablet Magazine, September 21, 2011
“Preface,” in Chil Rajchman, The Last Jew of Treblinka: A Memoir
(New York: Pegasus, 2011), and Treblinka: A Survivor’s Memory (London: Maclehose, 2011)
Mind over Matter
Prospect 185 (August 2011)
Global Intellectual Life Past and Present
Global Humanities (online conference), July 26, 2011
Studying the Fault Lines
Dissent 58, 2 (Spring 2011): 101-105
The Rights of Man Return
Dissent Online, March 4, 2011