Fundamentals of Physics, Yale Press 2014 (Vol I) and 2016 (Vol II)
These books are based on the Open Yale Course Lectures.
Basic Training in Mathematics, Plenum, 1995.
For many years, I had noticed, as did my colleagues at Yale, that incoming undergraduates did not have a sufficiently strong background in various mathematical topics that we took for granted in teaching core courses like electromagnetic theory or mechanics. Courses devoted to mathematical methods usually were taken in the senior year, while courses taken in the mathematics department ran in parallel. Consequently I designed and taught a course, along the lines of a Boot Camp, in which freshmen and sophomores came in and got whipped into shape in one semester, learning the basic mathematical ideas that would be presumed by the instructors of upper level courses. This book is that course. It is also intended for self-study but often used as a text. The book and course are not substitutes for courses in the math department or the additional math taught as part of the upper level courses. Rather, they allow a student, eager to take upper level courses, in physics, chemistry or engineering, to do so with due preparation. For reviews see (or Barnes and Noble)
Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Plenum, 1994. Second Edition.
This book was written for a student engaged in self-study, though it is widely used as a text. All the questions that bothered me as a student are addressed here, in addition to new ones I ran into while teaching the subject. Its main features are a solid mathematical introduction that permits an uninterrupted discussion of quantum mechanics starting from its postulates and a detailed treatment of path integrals. For reviews and to purchase, see (or Barnes and Noble) It is now available in Polish and in an Indian Edition (Prism Books).
Quantum field theory and condensed matter, Cambridge, 2017.
The choice of topics is dictated by my familiarity with them and is not exhaustive. An introduction to the basic ideas of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics is followed by path integrals (bosonic, fermionic and spin), various Ising models – pure (with exact solution in d=2), random bond and gauge; duality and triality, renormalization group applied to phase transitions, Fermi liquid theory and quantum field theory (with the relation between the and new Kadanoff- Wilsonian approaches); bosonization with applications and the Quantum Hall Effect (including Chern-Simons theory).