Rohini Pande Honored by the American Economic Association. October 24, 2018.
Harvard Economist Rohini Pande wins 2018 Carolyn Shaw Bell Award, in, October 24, 2018.
A Tough Call: Understanding barriers to and impacts of women’s mobile phone adoption in India. (Rohini Pande, Giorgia Barboni, Erica Field, Natalia Rigol, Simone Schaner, and Charity Troyer Moore), October 2018.
India Post Payments Bank is all Set to Take Banking to Bharat’s Doorstep, in LiveMint, September 17, 2018.
‘Uneducated, Unmarried Women Have Less Access to Mobile Phones’: Study, in The Indian Express, September 11, 2018.
660 Million Indians Could Live Longer if India Follows these 5 Recommendations, in IndiaSpend, August 30, 2018.
Go for Green Tax on Industry to Cut Pollution, Foreign Experts Tell India, in The Times of India, August 14, 2018.
Indians Will Live Longer if Pollution is Under Check, in The Hindu, August 13, 2018.
Indians May Live 4 Years Longer if Country Achieves WHO Air Quality Standards, in The Times of India. August 13, 2018.
Excessive Air Pollution Affects 660 m Indians: Researchers, in Business Standard, August 13, 2018.
You May Live a Year Longer if India Achieves its Air Quality Standards, in LiveMint, August 13, 2018.
Life Expectancy in India Would Rise by a Year if India Meets its Pollution Standards: Study, in The Economic Times, August 13, 2018.
How India Can Use Better Data and Regulations to Stop Industries from Choking its Cities, (Rohini Pande, Michael Greenstone, Anant Sudarshan, and Santosh Harish) in The Indian Express, August 13, 2018.
Opinion: Digitally Empowering Women in India, in LiveMint, August 7, 2018.
Motherhood is Kicking Indian Women out of Work, in Foreign Policy, July 6, 2018.
A Job of Her Own: Culture and the labor market keep India’s women at home, in The Economist, July 5, 2018.