ProM, a repository for project modules for teaching language and culture, is the collaborative effort of Angela Lee-Smith (Senior Lector II of Korean) and Sybil Alexandrov (Senior Lector II of Spanish). The ProM Planner (Project Module Framework), was carefully constructed by Angela Lee-Smith, based on two major frameworks, The World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages and the Multiliteracies Framework, and includes comprehensive goals and activities to guide both teachers and students. The seven projects were designed for and have been implemented in Korean and/or Spanish language classes at Yale University. However, the global nature of the contents and diverse pedagogical approaches make ProM suitable for a broad range of language courses. This ProM site is available not only to language faculty at Yale but also to colleagues in the field of foreign/heritage language education. Please, note that practicing Ethics of Professional and Academic Integrity is important, therefore Proper citations and acknowledging credits are highly recommended.
For any questions or comments on ProM, please contact Angela Lee-Smith or Sybil Alexandrov.
Acknowledgments: This project was made possible thanks to a Center for Language Study (CLS) Fellowship, Fall 2018. Special gratitude to The FAS Dean’s Office and Dean John Mangan (Yale University), Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl (Director, CLS at Yale University), Mary Jo Lubrano (Associate Director, CLS at Yale University), Kristi Dini (Language Technology Specialist, CLS at Yale University), and Fellow colleague, Peosong Xu (Chinese Lector, Yale University) for making our weekly morning fellow meetings full of learning, laughs, and scholarship.