Governance Projects

Globe-art-for-Golder_4Innovations for Successful Societies
During the past 40 years, a number of low-income countries have achieved economic and political turnarounds of five years or more. Although these recoveries are often temporary, a few countries once considered fragile states have seen sustained improvement in institutional performance and economic growth. ISS asks what we can learn from these experiences. Often the most innovative ideas are generated internally, framed by people who have deep knowledge of local conditions. ISS helps chronicle these ideas and the process of institutional change by enabling reformers to tell their unique stories. The interviews become part of an oral history archive and the participants become part of a knowledge network. Case studies based on these conversations promote learning and become the basis for both practitioner-focused cross-cutting analysis and scholarly writing.

Menapolis is a research and programmatic consultancy based in Istanbul, Turkey, and Tunis, Tunisia. Menapolis implements capacity building and technical assistance training in countries around the region, often in challenging conflict and post-conflict environments. It specializes in program design, capacity building, and implementation, informed by original research and regional and technical expertise.

The Cairo Urban Solidarity Initiative (TADAMUN) encourages citizens to claim their Right to the City and its democratic management. The TADAMUN Initiative believes that all citizens have an equal right to their city, as well as a shared responsibility towards it. TADAMUN also believes that solidarity among citizens is the only way to achieve social justice and a decent standard of living, particularly for many who have been ignored for too long. TADAMUN strives to work with all stakeholders as it builds alliances and coalitions to encourage change and introduces realistic alternatives and solutions for existing urban problems. What we need is not more undemocratic and elitist decisions, but for all citizens to claim and demand their urban rights and to devise new urban policies that are more effective, equitable, participatory, and sustainable.

pictures-downloaded-feb-2-2012-144-3Transitional Governance Project
The Transitional Governance Project is a collaborative effort that emerged in 2012 from independent, synergistic activities of its members. TGP aims to enhance our understanding of the pressures, processes and prospects for transitions in order to support policymakers engaged in improving governance. TGP studies are based on public opinion polling, systematic qualitative interviews, and analyses of electoral results. Findings are disseminated through party trainings, consultations with government officials and NGOs, public lectures and writings. The collaborative brings with it broad experience across the non-democratic world. Together, the team has worked in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia.

The Cairo Urban Solidarity Initiative (TADAMUN) encourages citizens to claim their Right to the City and its democratic management. The TADAMUN Initiative believes that all citizens have an equal right to their city, as well as a shared responsibility towards it. TADAMUN also believes that solidarity among citizens is the only way to achieve social justice and a decent standard of living, particularly for many who have been ignored for too long. TADAMUN strives to work with all stakeholders as it builds alliances and coalitions to encourage change and introduces realistic alternatives and solutions for existing urban problems. What we need is not more undemocratic and elitist decisions, but for all citizens to claim and demand their urban rights and to devise new urban policies that are more effective, equitable, participatory, and sustainable.

uclg_en_2_0United Cities and Local Governments
United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) represents and defends the interests of local governments on the world stage, regardless of the size of the communities they serve. Headquartered in Barcelona, the organisation’s stated mission is: To be the united voice and world advocate of democratic local self-government, promoting its values, objectives and interests, through cooperation between local governments, and within the wider international community.

urbanheader09The Urban Institute Center on International Development and Governance
The Urban Institute Center on International Development and Governance works in developing, transitioning and fragile countries to support transformative development interventions and to engage in evidence-based research. Our activities allow us to better understand how the public sector becomes strong enough to achieve economic growth and to sustainably provide key public services while behaving within constraints that assure voice and rights to citizens.