Lecture Tools


LectureTools is a robust, pedagogically sound and easy-to-use active learning platform allowing instructors to enhance the classroom learning experience presentation with interactive activities by harnessing students’ laptops, cellphones, and tablets. Instructors can simply launch LectureTools in your web browser to teach with real-time comprehension alerts, incoming student questions, and integrated student response features.



  • Present and create interactive slideshows by importing existing PowerPoint slide shows
  • The student inquiry tool encourages students to submit questions digitally during class
  • Use student response system feature to engage students via laptops and cellphones


  • Provides polling feature
  • Ties in with Echo 360 course capture system
  • Students can take notes associated with slides, bookmark slides for further review, and learn from archived questions


  • Content uploaded to an off-premises server
  • Network connection required for active learning features
  • Student responses stored on off-premises server

Mobile App:


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