Google Drive – EliApps


Google Drive allows user to upload and safely store important photos, videos, documents, and other files in the “cloud.”  Users can organize, edit and share them from any computer at, or on the go with the Drive mobile app.  Drive comes with built in apps to help get stuff done. Write a short story. Create a shared budget with classmates. Sign and fax an important document. All files crated in Google Drive are automatically saved in Drive.


  • Manage and share all file types
  • Create and share documents online
  • Manage document sharing for your team
  • Search tools help identify files faster by recognizing objects in your images and text in scanned documents
  • Can view over 30 file types from a browser even without the program installed on a computer
  • Can enable Drive offline in Chrome browser to create, edit, and comment on Docs, Slides, and Drawings and view Sheets when a network connection is not available
  • Connect with others by chatting right inside Docs, Sheets, and Slides, or leave comments on files and images.
  • Add a + in front of an email address in a comment and Drive will send collaborators an email so they know to follow up
  • Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides automatically save and track every change  forever
  • Can look back as far as 30 days on other file types, making it easy to see who has made changes and restore previous versions


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