Manuscripts and Archives played host on Saturday to Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (’73 B.A.) and Howard University Vice President and General Counsel and former Baltimore mayor Kurt Schmoke (’71 B.A.). These two Yale alumni were joined by a crew from Ark Media filming the sixth and final episode of the forthcoming PBS documentary series The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, for which Professor Gates is serving as host. The episode filmed in Manuscripts and Archives features Gates interviewing Schmoke about his participation as a Yale undergraduate in the 1970 events surrounding the May Day strike and New Haven Black Panther trials. The rich collections in Manuscripts and Archives documenting the May Day strike served as memory stimulation for these gentlemen as they reminisced about their experiences as Yalies during the Civil Rights era. Tune into your local PBS station in October-November 2013 to see what promises to be, at least judging from the interview for episode six to which I was privileged to listen, a fascinating and worthwhile documentary.