Biography by Anthony Domestico Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) was one of the most accomplished poets and novelists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Hardy’s career spanned generations, his first novels appearing at the same time as Middlemarch and his late poems arising during the high modernist period. While primarily celebrated as a novelist during his… Continue Reading Thomas Hardy
Tag: Biography
Robert Frost
Biography by Anthony Domestico Robert Frost (1874-1963), a New England poet whose verse went far beyond the regional, is one of America’s most popular and well-regarded twentieth-century writers. He was a four-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize, and many of his poems such as “Mending Wall” and “The Road Not Taken” have become touchstones of… Continue Reading Robert Frost
E.M. Forster
Biography by Anthony Domestico E.M. Forster (1879-1970) is difficult writer to classify. An Edwardian modernist, he criticized Victorian middle class mores in formally traditional novels; a writer who idealized connection and sincerity above all else, he kept his own homosexuality hidden from view but defended D.H. Lawrence’s sexually daring Lady Chatterley’s Lover from obscenity charges.… Continue Reading E.M. Forster
Ford Madox Ford
Biography by Anthony Domestico Ford Madox Ford (1873-1939), poet, novelist, essayist, and editor, was an important figure in the beginning years of the modernist movement. Ford’s poetry, although not studied much today, was considered elegant and formally interesting in its day; both Ezra Pound and D.H. Lawrence thought Ford one of the best poets of… Continue Reading Ford Madox Ford
T.S. Eliot
Biography by Anthony Domestico and Pericles Lewis For many readers, T.S. Eliot (1888-1965) is synonymous with modernism. Everything about his poetry bespeaks high modernism: its use of myth to undergird and order atomized modern experience; its collage-like juxtaposition of different voices, traditions, and discourses; and its focus on form as the carrier of meaning. His… Continue Reading T.S. Eliot
H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)
by Anthony Domestico Hilda Doolittle (H.D., 1886-1961) was an avant-garde poet and novelist known in her own days primarily for her work in the Imagist movement. Her early poems published in Poetry were exemplars of Imagistic principles: austere in structure and diction, they blended mythology and symbolist techniques to create a verse form… Continue Reading H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)