The Threepenny Opera

by Pericles Lewis In 1928, the same year in which he proclaimed himself a Marxist, Bertolt Brecht had his first international success with The Threepenny Opera, an adaptation of the eighteenth-century Beggar’s Opera by John Gay, which Brecht wrote in collaboration with Elisabeth Hauptmann, who co-wrote several of his early plays and after the war… Continue Reading The Threepenny Opera

Among School Children

by Pericles Lewis William Butler Yeats’s great poem “Among School Children” (1928) embodies his conception of the almost magical powers of the image or symbol: “O chestnut tree, great rooted blossomer, / Are you the leaf, the blossom or the bole? / O body swayed to music, O brightening glance, / How can we know… Continue Reading Among School Children


by Pericles Lewis Virginia Woolf often puzzled about the possibility of a literature that would treat sexuality and especially the sexual life of women frankly, but her own works discuss sex rather indirectly. She wrote one of her lighter but particularly enjoyable novels, Orlando (1928), about a man who becomes a woman (and lives for… Continue Reading Orlando

The Childermass

by Len Gutkin Wyndham Lewis’s The Childermass (1928), the first volume of the unfinished epic The Human Age (parts two and three came out in the fifties), is unarguably the most radical, outlandish, and formally experimental work in Lewis’s oeuvre. Aptly dubbed by Frederic Jameson as “the supreme realization of what has to be called… Continue Reading The Childermass

Lady Chatterly’s Lover

by Pericles Lewis Like E.M. Forster’s Maurice, Lawrence’s most controversial novel, Lady Chatterley’s Lover, could not be published as written in England during his lifetime. Privately printed in Italy in 1928, the novel revolves like Maurice around the relationship between an upper-class figure and a game-keeper. Here, the upper-class lover is a woman, Lady Chatterley,… Continue Reading Lady Chatterly’s Lover

Thomas Hardy

Biography by Anthony Domestico Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) was one of the most accomplished poets and novelists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Hardy’s career spanned generations, his first novels appearing at the same time as Middlemarch and his late poems arising during the high modernist period. While primarily celebrated as a novelist during his… Continue Reading Thomas Hardy