Data compiled from the Yale Modernism Lab.
1890 | |
1891 | Stephen children publish The Hyde Park Gate News 1891—1895 |
1892 | |
1893 | |
1894 | |
1895 | Woolf suffers a mental breakdown after her mother’s death May 5, 1895 |
1896 | |
1897 | Woolf sees the Queen pass, reminiscent of Mrs. Dalloway February 24, 1897 Woolf reads George Eliot and Henry James March 18, 1897 Woolf attends church, refusing to kneel March 28, 1897 |
1898 | |
1899 | |
1900 | |
1901 | |
1902 | |
1903 | |
1904 | Woolf becomes ill after her father’s death 1904 Woolf moves to Gordon Square, in the center of Bloomsbury December 1904 |
1905 | Woolf returns to St. Ives after her father’s death 1905 Woolf reads Walter Pater’s The Renaissance January 1905 Woolf reviews “The Feminine Note in Fiction” January 4, 1905 Woolf receives her first wages, reviews “Women in America” January 10, 1905 Woolf lectures on prose at Morley College January 16, 1905 Woolf reviews Henry James’s The Golden Bowl February 1905 Woolf writes “The Decay of Essay Writing” February 28, 1905 |
1906 | Woolf reads Christina Rossetti and John Keats December 25, 1906 |
1907 | Woolf spends time with Henry James November 6, 1907 |
1908 | Woolf writes “Reminiscences” 1908 Woolf asks for Clive Bell to critique The Voyage Out 1908 |
1909 | Lytton Strachey proposes to Virginia Woolf February 17, 1909 |
1910 | Woolf joins the Suffrage Movement January 1, 1910 Woolf reenters a mental nursing home, after being on the verge of insanity June 24, 1910 Roger Fry’s Post-Impressionist exhibition causes a scandal November 8, 1910 – January 15, 1911 |
1911 | |
1912 | Leonard Woolf proposes to Virginia Stephen January 11, 1912 Woolf announces that she will marry Leonard June 4, 1912 Woolf’s honeymoon August 18, 1912 Woolf declares Dostoevsky “the greatest writer ever born” September 1, 1912 Woolf reads Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native December 26, 1912 |
1913 | Woolf writes an article on Jane Austen in the TLS May 1913 Woolf attempts suicide by overdose September 9, 1913 |
1914 | Woolf reads Thomas Hardy’s Satires of Circumstance December 10, 1914 |
1915 | Woolf has John Maynard Keynes to dinner January 20, 1915 Woolf, The Voyage Out March 26, 1915 E.M. Forster reviews Virginia Woolf’s The Voyage Out April 8, 1915 Woolf reads D.H. Lawrence’s Love Poems December 22, 1915 |
1916 | Woolf writes a “Charlotte Bronte” review in the TLS April 13, 1916 Woolf visits George Bernard Shaw June 17, 1916 – June 19, 1916 |
1917 | Woolf reviews Leo Tolstoy’s The Cossaks in the TLS February 1, 1917 Woolf, “More Dostoevsky” February 22, 1917 Woolf reads Joseph Conrad’s The Shadow-Line April 3, 1917 Woolfs install a printing press at Hogarth House April 24, 1917 Woolf, “Mr. Sassoon’s Poems” May 31, 1917 Woolf reads A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man July 24, 1917 Woolf reviews Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim in the TLS July 26, 1917 Woolf reads Henry James’s The Sense of the Past September 18, 1917 Woolf, “Mr. Conrad’s Youth” September 20, 1917 Woolf reviews Henry James’s The Middle Years in the TLS September 21, 1917 Woolf, “A Minor Dostoevsky” October 11, 1917 Woolf reads Ezra Pound’s Gaudier-Brezka: A Memoir December 10, 1917 |
1918 | Woolf begins printing Katherine Mansfield’s Prelude January 14, 1918 Woolf reads James Joyce’s Ulysses April 14, 1918 Woolf rejects Harriet Shaw Weaver’s invitation to publish Ulysses May 17, 1918 Woolf reviews Rupert Brooke in the TLS August 13, 1918 Woolf meets T.S. Eliot November 15, 1918 |
1919 | Woolf reviews Dorothy Richardson’s The Tunnel in the TLS February 13, 1919 Woolf finishes printing T.S. Eliot’s Poems March 19, 1919 Woolf, “Modern Novels” in the TLS April 10, 1919 Woolf, Kew Gardens May 12, 1919 Woolf, “Dostoevsky in Cranford” October 23, 1919 Woolf, Night and Day November 20, 1919 |
1920 | Woolf, “Freudian Fiction” March 25, 1920 Woolf writes an article on Henry James in TLS April 15, 1920 Woolf reviews Joseph Conrad’s The Rescue in the TLS July 1, 1920 Woolf reviews D.H. Lawrence’s The Lost Girl in the TLS July 1, 1920 |
1921 | Woolf, Monday or Tuesday April 7, 1921 Woolf reads D.H. Lawrence’s Women in Love June 20, 1921 Woolf reads Henry James’s The Wings of the Dove September 12, 1921 |
1922 | Woolf, “Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street” April 14, 1922 Woolf hears T.S. Eliot recite The Waste Land June 23, 1922 Woolf, Jacob’s Room December 14, 1922 |
1923 | Woolf reviews Dorothy Richardson’s Revolving Lights May 19, 1923 Woolf, “Mr. Conrad: a Conversation” July 28, 1923 – September 1, 1923 Woolf, “Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown” November 17, 1923 |
1924 | Woolf, “Henry James at Work” February 24, 1924 Woolf decides to publish Sigmund Freud October 2, 1924 |
1925 | Woolf, The Common Reader April 23, 1925 Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway May 14, 1925 Woolf publishes Gertrude Stein’s Composition as Explanation September 16, 1925 Forster, “The Novels of Virginia Woolf” November 27, 1925 |
1926 | Woolf, “Impassioned Prose” June 18, 1926 Woolf visits Thomas Hardy July 25, 1926 |
1927 | Woolf, “The Novels of E.M. Forster” Monthly February 12, 1927 Woolf, To the Lighthouse May 5, 1927 |
1928 | Woolf attends Thomas Hardy’s funeral January 17, 1928 Woolf, Orlando October 11, 1928 |
1929 | Woolf, A Room of One’s Own October 24, 1929 |
1930 | Woolf meets William Empson February 17, 1930 Woolf downsizes the productions of the Hogarth Press October 27, 1930 Woolf meets W.B. Yeats November 8, 1930 |
1931 | Woolf meets Aldous Huxley January 28, 1931 Woolf, The Waves October 8, 1931 |
1932 | Woolf, The Common Reader: Second Series October 13, 1932 |
1933 | Woolf reads Henry James’s The Sacred Fount May 14, 1933 Woolf, Flush October 5, 1933 |
1934 | Woolf is disappointed by T.S. Eliot’s The Rock July 10, 1934 |
1935 | Woolf reads Aldous Huxley’s Point Counterpoint January 23, 1935 Woolf and T.S. Eliot discuss W.H. Auden June 20, 1935 |
1936 | |
1937 | Woolf sees Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya February 18, 1937 Woolf, The Years March 11, 1937 |
1938 | Woolf, Three Guineas June 2, 1938 |
1939 | Woolf reads Freud at the outbreak of war 1939 Woolf meets Sigmund Freud January 28, 1939 |
1940 | Woolf lectures on modern poetry February 1, 1940 Woolf, “Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid” June 12, 1940 Woolf, Roger Fry: A Biography July 25, 1940 Woolf’s home in London is bombed September 1940 |
1941 | Woolf’s last letter to Vanessa Bell before her suicide March 23, 1941 Woolf commits suicide, drowning herself in the River Ouse March 28, 1941 Woolf, Between the Acts July 1941 |
1942 | Woolf’s body is found April 18, 1942 Woolf’s cremation April 29, 1942 |