Committees and Societies
MAP: Minorities and Philosophy (our parent organization)
APA Committee on Inclusiveness in the Profession
APA Committee on the Status of Women
APA Committee on the Status of Black Philosophers
APA Committee on LGBTQ People in the Profession
Collegium of Black Women Philosophers
SWIP: Society for Women in Philosophy
Feminist History of Philosophy
Society for Philosophy and Disability
The UPDirectory: Directory of Philosophers from Underrepresented Groups in Philosophy
Women’s Work: Female Authored Papers for Undergraduate Teaching
Core Readings in philosophy by female authors for undergraduate curricula
Summer Institutes
Summer School in Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (Graduate)
PIKSI: Philosophy In An Inclusive Key Summer Institute (Undergraduate)
Rutgers Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy (Undergraduate)
SPWP: Summer Program for Women in Philosophy at UC San Diego (Undergraduate)
Summer Program for Diversity in Logic at UMass Dartmouth (Undergraduate)
SIPP@Brown: Summer Immersion in Program in Philosophy at Brown (Undergraduate)
Mentoring Schemes
Athena in Action: A Networking and Mentoring Workshop for Graduate Student Women in Philosophy
Dealing with Professional Misconduct
The APA offers an ombudsperson to help you navigate instances of discrimination or sexual misconduct.