Assenova, Valentina A. and Regele, Matthew D. 2017. “Revisiting the Effect of Colonial Institutions on Comparative Economic Development.” PLoS One 12(5): e0177100.
Regele, Matthew D. and Neck, Heidi M. (2012). “The Entrepreneurship Education Sub-Ecosystem in the United States: Opportunities to Increase Entrepreneurial Activity.” Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 23 (2): 25-47.
Regele, Matthew D. Sensegiving, Sensemaking, and Hybrid Organizational Identities* (Under review at Academy of Management Journal)
Regele, Matthew D. “The Roots of a Hybrid: How Adoption Conditions Affect the Enactment of Hybrid Organizational Identities.” (Preparing for submission to Academy of Management Review)
Regele, Matthew D. “Learning Conflict: Enacting a Hybrid Organizational Identity in Product Development.” (Preparing for submission to Organization Science) — Best Paper Award, 14th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference (November 2017)
Canales, Rodrigo, Regele, Matthew D., and Groberg, Max-Gunnar. “Falling Off the Unicorn: The Structural Shortcomings of Startup Employment.” (Preparing for submission to Administrative Science Quarterly)
Regele, Matthew D. “Who Profits from Educational Technology? The Commercialization of What and How Students Learn” (Preparing for submission to Sociology of Education)
Regele, Matthew D. “Meet the Solvers: The (Potential) Role of Established Small Businesses in Commercializing Complex Innovations.” (Analyzing data)
Regele, Matthew D. “Crossing the Bridge: Organizational Learning and Managerial Capital Development in SMEs.” (Analyzing data)
Bhardwaj, Gaurab and Regele, Matthew D. (2017) “Cytyc: Transforming Cervical Cancer Testing.” Babson College Publishing: Entrepreneurial Leader Collection, BAB292.
Bhardwaj, Gaurab and Regele, Matthew D. (2017) “Cytyc: Transforming Cervical Cancer Testing – Teaching Note.” Babson College Publishing: Entrepreneurial Leader Collection, BAB293.
*Title disguised to maintain anonymity in the blind review process.