Lucas Fennell, Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow, 2018-2019, Stable isotopes and paleotopography of the South Central Andes.
Guangsheng ZhuangBateman Postdoctoral Fellow, 2011-2013, Stable isotopes in leaf wax, applied to paleotopography of northern Tibet; now: Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University.
Michael HrenBateman Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2007-2009, Stable isotopes in leaf wax, applied to paleotopography of the Sierra Nevada; now: Assistant Professor at University of Connecticut.
Drew StolarPostdoctoral Associate, 2007, Geodynamic modeling of mantle flow around subducting slabs; now: Senior Engineer at Ballard Power Systems, Vancouver, Canada.
Alison AndersFlint Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2005-2006, Orographic precipitation in the Olympic Mountains; now: Associate Professor at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Stuart ThomsonPost-Doctoral Associate, 2003-2008, thermochronology, Apennines of Italy, Southern Andes, He and FT dating; now: Research Scientist at University of Arizona.
Nicole GaspariniBateman Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2003-2005, geomorphology and surface processes; now: Associate Professor at Tulane University.
Jeremy HouriganPost Doctor, 2003-2005, Thermochronology, geochronology, and tectonics in Kamchatka and Apennines; now: Associate Professor at University of California at Santa Cruz.
Jonathan TomkinDamon Wells Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2000-2002, geodynamics and surface process modeling; now: Associate Director, School of Earth, Society, & Environment, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champain.
Geoff BattDamon Wells Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 1997-2000, thermochronology and tectonics; now: Associate Professor at University of Western Australia.
Meinert RahnSwiss Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1997-1998, fission-track dating and tectonics; now: Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate.
Meg ColemanNSF Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1997, thermochronology and tectonics; now: faculty in Marine Education at Southern Maine Community College.
Frank PazzagliaNSF Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1993-1994, tectonic geomorphology; now: Professor at Lehigh University.
Uwe RingHumboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1993-1994, structural geology and tectonics; now: Professor at University of Stockholm, Sweden.