Week 60: Is This It?

Holy crap, my final week in Korea. Obviously there was food and tons of it that might have actually been too much but like come on, it’s so good. Yeah, I am definitely going to miss that. My week was also spent saying farewell to…

Week 59: Daejeon Mustard

Hope you enjoyed the word play. Jeremy signed us for a little frisbee gathering (aka a Hat Tournament for the more frisbee-literate) out in 대전 (Daejeon), which is a super beautiful city with wide blue skies and mountains enclosing it. Just look at the scene…

Week 55: Movements

Movements were pretty big things this weekend. One of the nice things I love about the English language is the fluidity and adaptability of certain words. Movement happens to be one of those words. 광주 (Gwangju) probably best represents the sociopolitical connotations of that word…

Week 52: A Genre Onto Itself

I want to talk to you about an anime that really changed my views on the world when I was like 6 and again now. Of course, I am talking about none other than the timeless and all-time great “Cowboy Bebop” directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, written…

Week 49: Be Back in a JIFFy

So the only important thing about this week to me was the 16th Annual Jeonju International Film Festival, for which I had the pleasure of attending even the opening ceremony. The ceremony was hosted by 임성민 (Lim Sung-min, former KBS news announcer) and 김동완 (Kim…

Week 48: A Mountain of Work

A friend once told me the best way to productive is to just to keep yourself constantly busy. After this week, I’m wondering if they are a masochist. That was just a slight, but damn, I feel a bit like one now myself. The week…

Week 47: Cherry Blossom Eyes

Ha, the cherry blossoms still hung around for me post-midterm.  The Yalies gathered at 여의도 (Yeouido) for a little 휴식. Apparently, so did everyone else in 서울. Poor timing, maybe.  After being there, though, I’d say it was nice to see that the work overload…

Summer Jammin', Singapore Remix

Day 1… Actually f*** that, let’s just go through everything in a sprint. Red-eye via a cheap Singapore Airlines roundtrip with a spare seat and Academy Award-nominated new releases all ready to watch. You could say my flight in was pretty comfy. (Likewise for my…

Week 42: Embracing the End (and Extra!)

Dude, jet lag is mad real. And that basically explains my Sunday and Monday in entirety. Even though this trip was only two-thirds the length of my eurotrip, I’d definitely say it took a greater toll on me due to the dramatic climate change I…

Week 35: Wedding Bells, Again!

To be honest, few things make me feel more adult than receiving a personal invitation as a guest to special events, particularly weddings. In my time in Korea, I have attended two (three if you count the one I accidentally crashed) already, both of which…