3 Peaks, 2 Towns, 1 Coast

Day 4 I got a handful of hours of sleep in me. I had plans fall through, which led to my chaotic sleep schedule. You know, whatever for adventure. The coming crazies aside, today looked like it was going to be a good day. Like…

The Bridge Up North

Day 3 So my Singaporean hostel roommate gave me some tips on where to visit in Taiwan. He spent a month backpacking all around Taiwan. He travelled the entire coastline, through numerous mountains, and through the plains. As a backpacker, it was hard not to…

Getting The Tourist Out

Day 1 My experience in Shanghai was a real lowball. With that in mind, I probably had an overly positive view of Taiwan off the bat, but the friendliness of many of the Taiwanese I came across, compared to the folks back in Shanghai, really…


Day 0 When I first got my tickets to Taiwan through China Eastern Airlines, I was already pretty skeptical of good service. I purchased them 3 weeks before today and the price amounted up to around $250. A little ridiculous to believe that I could…

Exit Tokyo

Day 3 The first stop was actually somewhere I though I’d visit my first day in Tokyo. However, seeing as how I arrive to Tokyo later than planned I pushed 明治神宮 (메이지 진구/Meiji Jingu) for a later time. Upon arriving, I’m glad I did. The day…

Enter Tokyo

Day 1 The Europeans and I all headed out of Mishima to 東京 (도쿄, Tokyo) before we parted ways there. The train ride was only moderately tolerable as all I wanted to do was sleep but I knew the trip would be short and I shouldn’t…

Fuji Overnight

Waking up, I originally intended on going to the supermarket as early as possible to buy my stock of food to devour for the overnight climb. By some strange turn of events, I woke up earlier than the store opened. I probably should have checked…

Temple Run

Day 1 When planning my trip, I prioritized Kansai a bit more over the Tokyo area because I presumed Osaka and Kyoto would awesome to explore. 京都 (교토/Kyoto), actually, takes a lot of time to explore. The place has over 1600 temples, and I’m only counting…

Summer Sonic

Arctic Monkeys will perform at Osaka. ARCTIC MONKEYS WILL PERFORM AT OSAKA. Although I had various reasons for visiting Japan and its famous cities, Arctic Monkeys performing at Summer Sonic was probably the biggest selling point. Unable to go to Lollapalooza this year with my…

Osaka Loaded

Day 1 A large portion of my morning resembled self loathing for the shopper’s remorse I dealt with. The Jansport bag I bought in Dubai has proven itself to be pure crap, time and time again. I knew I should have just bought a finer…