A Respite in Ol' Siam

Day 9 Bangkok, my 5th city on this little journey, also became my pit stop city. Admittedly, I expected Bangkok to also be my least enjoyable spot on this trip because it’s pretty much a tourist hub and couldn’t really see how it would stand…

Tomb Visitor

Day 8 Angkor Wat often acts as the main impetus for travel to Southeast Asia, or so they say. Well after visiting, I’d say it’s a pretty good reason but not worth as much time as people say unless you’re really into Hinduism, Buddhism, Khmer…

Kampuchea, A Kingdom

Day 5 Getting out of Vietnam early was rather easy and finding my bus posed no difficulty. As a side note, even though my bus ride was pretty fine and pretty clean, my Vietnamese seat mate said that one should try to get a Khai…


Day 3 I think everyone can relate to me on this—visas suck (insert expletive if you really hate visas). This is not to say Vietnam’s visa thing was hell on earth (I think Korea’s was far worse and burdensome), but that the actual act of…

Kuala Loaded

Night 0 Selamat datang! My entry into Malaysia moved very quickly. Since I’ll be using carry-on with a bunch of budget airlines for my trip through Southeast Asia (yes, AirAsia included), I am restricted to a 7 kg max. No problem. As a self-identified expert…

A Golden Takeoff

Day 10 On election day, I awoke with nothing to do before a flight back to ol’ Seoul. Today was very important for the Taiwanese and it appeared that so many had left for the booths early as the morning was much quieter than previous…

A Quaint Town

*Names of sites were not written down in my trip through Tainan, please excuse my ignorance as I work through memory* Day 8 The road to 臺南 (Tainan) involved a lot of slowly elaborated Mandarin and chilling on a bus for God knows how long. What…

Delicate Design

Day 7 After the long day yesterday, could you blame me for waking up a tad later than usual? I thought not. Well, I decided after three days from mountains and natural beauty, it was about time to appreciate man-made art. To the 台北市立美術館 (Taipei Fine…

A Park With No Trail

Day 6 The cool thing about this break compared to my previous one was that this time around all the Light Fellows in Korea were basically all at one place. In turn, we had the same vacation time. Miriam ended hanging around Taiwan the same…

The Elephant by Raohe

Day 5 Dude, tired could not describe my situation. An all-nighter plus climbing three mountains was far from my idea of the relaxing time I planned on spending in Taiwan. But man, was it pretty incredible. Well, that’s basically what I thought before I went…