Week 21: Rebranding the Program

Well, speaking up can help…

… but it could also just make you feel like you wasted more time.

The dissatisfaction that most of the KU Light Fellows and I endured came face-to-face with the office for once for a discussion. Now, it appeared to be an opportunity for feedback but it quickly transformed into a staunch defence on both sides of our respective opinions. The Korea Language Center very much felt their methods were effective and needed no improvement with their past success rate.

We felt otherwise.

It may sound outrageous that a program that goes through 4 hours of language each weekday has around 20% of their students, collectively among all the language levels, fail each quarter. What’s worse is that figure is typically reflected at most of the language programs available here in Seoul. The ones that manage to get the lucrative top of the class scholarships do end up putting tons or hours outside of class to do so. BUT SO DO THE ONES WHO JUST WANT TO KEEP UP. 

Now, I’m not going to reiterate the comments from last week but it’s hard to believe the stubbornness that comes with the way they handle this program. Admittedly, I would also be offended in their place if a bunch of foreign students came up to me and told me I was wrong. However, we have furnished clear reasons and elaborated visible problems with the program. I know the fact that we are Light Fellows and have the Yale University name attached to us gives way to their special treatment for us, but honestly, giving me a student aide that has managed to meet me once, minimal feedback on my writing, and some free sandwiches would be something I could hardly call “perks”. Nor do I want any extra goodies. I want what I came for: Korean language education.


Sorry for the second burst on that but the program has ended up watching my every move to see what they could improve. I would rather them not bend to my will but simply care a bit more. I could hardly say that they do if they are not giving enough of an effort to make sure practical Korean is learned on a topic before shifting to the next “exercise”.

On a better note, check out my lab mates eating!



They’ll be heading off to San Diego this weekend for a genomics conference. I hope some of their genius seeps into you from reading this post!

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