Adobe Connect testing final phase

In partial response to some library departments’ relocation to 344 Winchester, Jenn Nolte and Reon Keller from Library IT are began testing the Adobe Connect video conferencing and collaboration service in Library-operated conference rooms around campus this October. Library IT is also simultaneously testing Microsoft’s Lync service, which is a chatting, phone and video conferencing service.  See original post on this project here.

Testing has been completed for all targeted library conference rooms, including:

  • Lewis Walpole
  • Sterling 315, 332, 409 and 511
  • BRBL
  • CSSSI,
  • Medical
  • Divinity

Some of the equipment in these rooms may be upgraded eventually to optimize performance, but most are adequately equipped for use of Adobe Connect and/or Microsoft Lync. Cindy Greenspun recently pointed out the closed-captioning feature in Adobe Connect, which we will test in the coming month.

In Spring 2014, look for some web pages with set up information, video conferencing etiquette, best practices and a list of video conference enabled rooms. Library IT will also be conducting training on how to use Adobe Connect as well.

For questions, please contact or

Library IT testing Adobe Connect for use in Library conference rooms

In partial response to some library departments’ relocation to 344 Winchester, Jenn Nolte and Reon Keller from Library IT are currently testing the Adobe Connect video conferencing and collaboration service in Library-operated conference rooms around campus. Library IT is also simultaneously testing Microsoft’s Lync service, which is a chatting, phone and video conferencing service. All testing at the various sites have been successful thus far. Some rooms are already equipped with the necessary hardware, making it easy to set up and determine the best approach to video conferencing.

Conference rooms tested so far:

  • Lewis Walpole
  • Sterling 315, 332, 409 and 511
  • BRBL

Library IT will also test conference rooms at CSSSI, Medical and Divinity.

Once testing is completed, look for a how-to web page with set up information, video conferencing etiquette, best practices and a list of video conference enabled rooms. Library IT will also be conducting training on how to use Adobe Connect as well.

For questions, please contact or