Much-anticipated Windows 10 Upgrade

Over the summer, Library IT will begin to update the staff computers from Windows 7 to Windows 10, throughout Yale University Library (YUL).  A major goal of this upgrade is to remain consistent with Yale’s ITS effort to migrate computers to Windows 10 campus-wide. Windows 10 is currently the latest production version supported by Microsoft; support for Windows 7 will end in January 2020. This upgrade will only affect staff computers; an upgrade to service computers and specialized equipment will occur at a later date in Phase 2.


Computer Lifecycles and Upgrades
Before the work of upgrading computers to Windows 10 can begin, Library IT will work with departments to determine if computer replacements are needed.

Depending on where your computer is in its lifecycle, Library IT will offer two different approaches:

  1. If your computer is less than five years old: you will receive a Windows 10 upgrade only.
  2. If your computer is over five years old: you will receive a new computer with the Windows 10 upgrade installed.


How Will the Upgrade Affect You?
Library IT will work with each YUL department to schedule an installation timeline as well as individual appointments. Library IT will be working on each computer individually. During the Windows 10 upgrade, expect approximately 2-3 hours of downtime per computer.

  • Staff will need to provide a collection of information about their workstation. For example, verification of CrashPlan backups, identification of non-standard software, etc. Library IT will provide documentation to prepare for the Windows 10 and computer.
  • Windows 10 training sessions will be provided to for YUL staff.

Every effort will be made to accommodate department schedules during times of high-volume workloads.


Windows 10 Upgrade Pilot
In May, Library IT will offer a pilot program to YUL staff to upgrade their computers to Windows 10. The goal of the pilot is to identify and resolve possible hurdles that may occur during the upgrade in a test environment (a full backup of the entire computer will be provided). Identifying these issues during the pilot will ensure a more predictable transition during the full-staff upgrade to Windows 10 later in the summer.

If you would be interested in participating and providing feedback in the pilot, please contact Beatrice Richardson at  email address by Monday, May 7.


Come to the May 16 Tech Talk
Library IT will present a preview of what is new in Windows 10 at the Tech Talk on Wednesday, May 16 at 3 pm in Bass LA01. Come see for yourself!

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