- Author: Turpin, Richard, 1706-1739, defendant.
- Title: The trial of the notorious highwayman Richard Turpin, at York assizes, on the 22d day of March, 1739, before the Hon. Sir William Chapple, kt., judge of assize, and one of His Majesty’s justices of the Court of King’s bench : taken down in court by Mr. Thomas Kyll … : to which is prefixed an exact account of the said Turpin, from his first coming into Yorkshire to the time of his being committed prisoner to York castle, communicated by Mr. Appleton of Beverly … : with a copy of a letter which Turpin received from his father, while under sentence of death : to which is added, his behaviour at the place of execution, on Saturday the 7th of April, 1739 : together with the whole confession he made to the hangman at the gallows …
- Edition: The fourth ed. To which is prefix’d a large and genuine history of the life of Turpin …
- Published: York : Printed by Ward and Chandler booksellers, at their Printing-Office in Coney-Street; and sold at their shop without Temple-Bar, London, 1739.
523 T86 739
Acquired June 2019
This exhaustive narrative of Richard Turpin’s last days is not just informative, but deeply moving.
A meticulous account of the trial, a heartfelt letter from his father, and Turpin’s final confession at the gallows are all woven together in a narrative that left me reflecting on the complexities of crime, justice, and human nature.
It’s clear that there was a voracious appetite for this narrative, as evidenced by this being the fourth edition.
The involvement of Mr. Appleton of Beverly and Mr. Thomas Kyll indicates a commendable commitment to accuracy, which is absolutely essential when recounting events that captivated the public’s attention to this degree. https://shropshiredirectory.com/