- Title: The present state of Holland, or, A description of the United Provinces : wherein is contained a particular account of the Hague, and all the principal cities and towns of the republick, with their buildings, curiosities, &c. of the manner’s and custom’s of the Dutch ; their constitution, legislature, sovereign courts, ministry revenue, forces by sea and land, navy, admirality, bank, East-India Company, navigation, commerce, in Asia, Africa and America ; and with Great-Brittain, France, Spain, and the other states of Europe: their universities, arts, sciences, men of letters, &c. to which are added directions for making the tour of the provinces [sic]
- Edition: The fourth and last edition.
- Published: [Leyden] : Printed for the author and to be got at Leiden by Cornelis de Pecker, 1765.
Acquired July, 2011 by the Lewis Walpole Library.