The funeral procession of Her Late Most Gracious Majesty

description belowAn illustrated broadside with text describing in detail the ceremonies and events around the funeral and burial of Queen Caroline from Monday 13th August as her body lay in state at Brandenburgh House, through the early afternoon interment in Brunswick on 25th August. The broadside records the argument between Sir George Naylor and Mr. Bailey who had assigned responsibility for the events by the George IV and the Caroline’s executor Dr. Lushington. The official route attempted to negate the threat of violence from a mob by steering it away from the city center. However, a mob blocked the cortege’s path forcing it to re-route through the city. Chaos erupted and soldiers opened fire killing two men and other injuries. The internment was precided over by J.W. Wolff who said a prayer in German, a translation of which is included in the text of the broadside.

  • Title: The funeral procession of Her Late Most Gracious Majesty, Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, Queen of England.
  • Publication: [York, England] : Carrall, printer, near Foss Bridge, York, [1821]

Catalog Record


Acquired December 2019

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