- Title: The officers address to the ladies : To their brightnesses the ladies of Great-Britain; the humble address of Her Majesties officers.
- Publication: [London] : Sold by A. Baldwin in Warwick-Lane, [1710]
File 523 Sa121 710
Acquired April 2021
File 523 Sa121 710
Acquired April 2021
Manuscript account book in a single hand recording the personal expenditures of Lady Sophia Wodehouse between January 1798 and December 1816. The volume lists the payments that she received from her husband as well as a range of personal and household expenses for herself and her children, documenting the kind of expenditures made by a woman, wife, and mother from the aristocracy at the turn of the nineteenth century, living between London and a grand manor in Norwich. In addition to the meticulous detail of wages paid to household servants and craftsman and laborers (chimney sweep) and payments made to “various poor people”, the list includes payments to a mantua maker, confectioners, grocers, shoemakers, and haberdashers; fees for silk stockings, hair powder, “Twining tea, coffee, & chocolate”, wax and spemaceti candles. The record includes in some cases the names of the suppliers and London businesses (Barto Valle). Three laid-in pages includes a list of 16 recipients of “Christmas boxes 1810” that include: “glasiers boy”, “butchers boy”, “blacksmiths boy”, “wheelwright boy”, “chimney sweeper”, etc. The last few pages provide a grand total of expenses represented in the volume in various categories.
LWL Mss Vol. 227
Acquired November 2016