Two oval images printed against a patterned background with a stylized floral border. The image on the top shows Tippoo Sahib’s wife, mother of his two sons as she kneels outside a tent on a rug; she embraces her one son as the other son stands behind him. Tipu Sultan stands in the background with a woman servant(?). In the image below, the young boy his handed over by his father (left) to Cornwallis (right) with the British camp in the background. Soldiers flank Cornwallis; the Sultan is attend by two of his men. The title of the top image is engraved in a legend on the left; the legend on the right continues the title of the image on the bottom.
- Title: Tippoo Saib’s two sons taking leave of their mother [graphic] : previous to their being deliver’d up to Lord Cornwallis as hostages at the termination of the war in the East Indies in 1792 = Tippoo Saib’s two sons delivered up to Lord Cornwallis : as hostages, after he had so gloriously conquered that proud sultan at Seringaptam, the Capital of the Mysore Country, in the East Indies, in 1792.
- Created: [England or India?] : [s.n.], [not before 1792]
Catalog Record & Digital Collection
Acquired July 2013