A catalogue of a well-chosen and capital collection of Italian, Flemish, French and Dutch prints, books of prints and drawings…

Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803

A catalogue of a well-chosen and capital collection of Italian, Flemish, French and Dutch prints, books of prints and drawings, (part of which was purchased out of the collection of the late U. Price, Esq.) paintings in water colours, music, French horns, &c. belonging to a nobleman going abroad, likewise a curious collection of portraits of illustrious persons the major part proofs, the plates of which were engraved by the celebrated Vertue for particular noble personages in whose possession they now are, which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Christie, on Monday, April 13, 1772, and the two following days.

Published: [London : J. Christie, 1772]

125 C555 772 Apr13

A catalogue of a well-chosen and capital collection of Italian, Flemish, French and Dutch prints, books of prints and drawings...Subjects (Library of Congress): Price, Uvedale, d. 1764; Art–Private collections–England.

Lewis Walpole Library new acquisition: May, 2010

A catalogue of a capital collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures…

Christie, Mr. (James), 1730-1803

A catalogue of a capital collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures, consigned from abroad : being the works of the following masters, viz. O. Palma, Parmegiano … which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, in Pall Mall, on Friday the 6th, and Saturday the 7th of March, 1772. To be viewed on Wednesday and Thursday next, and to the sale, which will begin at twelve o’clock. Catalogues may be had as above.

Published: [London : J. Christie, 1772]

Quarto 125 C555 772 Mar7

Auction catalogue containing 159 lots of paintings including seven drawings, by or attributed to: Holbein, Ruysdael, Carracci, Canaletto, Van Dyck, Teniers, Palma Vecchio, Van Eyck, Murillo, Veronese, Le Nain, Rubens, and Poussin. Each with a brief description

A catalogue of a capital collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures...Subjects (Library of Congress): Art–Private collections–England.

Lewis Walpole Library new acquisition: May, 2010