The peerage chart for 1821

printed text

Dissected into 20 sections and mounted on linen, folding down into the original brown card slipcase

  • Author: Kingdom, William.
  • Title: The peerage chart for 1821.
  • Publication: London : Printed for the Author by Shackell and Arrowsmith, Johnson’s Court, Fleet-Street; and sold by G. & W.B. Whittaker, Ave-Maria-Lane : J. Warren, Old Bond-Street; and by all other booksellers, [1821?]

Catalog Record

Drawer 63 821 K54

Acquired September 2023


High life at five in the morning

description below

Print shows an interior view of a room; a duke has arrived home drunk at 5 a.m. (as shown on the longcase clock beside the door) accompanied by two attendants and watchman only to find his bedchamber occupied by another man. Through the open curtains around the bed can be seen a bare-breasted duchess. On the floor near the bed is an open book, “Memoirs of a woman of pleasure” (a reference to John Cleland’s Fanny Hill …) beside the chamber pot. As the duke with sword drawn, staggers forward, his rival climbs through a window in the background, leaving his clothes behind on a chair. A monkey dashes onto the table near the window on the heels of the husband’s rival but pulls down the tablecloth causing the items on the table to be strewn across the floor in the foreground; a book opened to pages “Chastity in the nobility a farce. Dedicated to their Graces the Duke & Dutchess xxx”, breaking a broken mirror, and sending the bottles and jars onto the floor. The bottles have labels “Viper drops” and “Surfeit water” and the jar is labeled “Lip salve”.

  • Title: High life at five in the morning [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : [publisher not identified], publish’d according to act of Parliament, May 1st, 1769.

Catalog Record


Acquired February 2022

The Royal kalendar

printed text

Complete and correct annual register for England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, for 1800

  • Title: The Royal kalendar, or, Complete and correct annual register for England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, for the year 1800 : including a complete and correct list of the 18th Parliament of Great Britain …
  • Published: London : Printed for J. Debrett …, G.G. and J. Robinson, G. Wilkie, and H.D. Symonds …, C. Law, and L.B. Seeley … [and 9 others], and other proprietors …, [1800]

Catalog Record

145 Am512 1800

Acquired March 2021

Hints towards a change of ministry

“Ten ladies, arranged in two rows, with numbers referring to notes etched beneath the design, their proposed offices etched above their heads. … ‘(1) First Lady of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer.’ The ‘Duc – ss of Gor-n’ (Pitt’s friend), wearing a tartan drapery, sits at a writing-table. Facing her, with outstretched right arm, is ‘(2) President of the Council and Duc-ss of Ric-nd.’ ‘(3) Lady High Chancellor is the Coun-ss of Buc-s-e’, very short and fat, in wig and gown and holding the purse of the Great Seal. Facing her is ‘(4) Chamberlain’, who is ‘Margr-ne of Ans-h’, wearing a coronet and feathers, and holding a long wand of office. ‘(5) Mistress of the Horse’ holding a whip is ‘Lady Arc-r.’ ‘(6) First Lady of the Admiralty’ is ‘Mrs Jo-n’, with her arms folded, in profile to the right, as if playing the part of Priscilla Hoyden in ‘The Romp’, see British Museum Satires No. 6875, but wearing a naval cocked hat, emblem of her liaison with the Duke of Clarence, see British Museum Satires No. 9009. Facing her is ‘(7) Secretary of War & Capn of the Guards, La-y Wa-ce’ (sister of No. 1); she wears a military cocked hat and coat with epaulettes, her hands placed truculently on her hips. (Her friendship with Dumouriez is perhaps hinted at.) ‘(8) Mistress of the Buck Hounds’, is ‘March-ss of Sa-ry’, thin and weatherbeaten, holding two hounds on a leash, ‘(9) Ranger of Hyde Park’, is ‘La-y La-e’ (wife of Sir John Lade) wearing a riding-habit and holding a riding-switch. ‘(10) Post Mistress General and Inspector of Mis-sent Letters’ is ‘La-y Je-y’. She sits at a round table on which are many letters and appliances for opening and re-sealing them, including a spirit-lamp inscribed ‘Hot water’. She holds a lighted candle and peers through spectacles at a sealed letter.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Cruikshank, Isaac, 1756?-1811?, printmaker.
  • Title: Hints towards a change of ministry [graphic] : respectfully submitted to the consideration of the ladies of Great Britain.
  • Publication: [London] : Pubd. Febry. 1st, 1797, by S.W. Fores, No. 50 Piccadilly, corner of Sackville St. …, [1 February 1797]

Catalog Record 


Acquired October 2019


Letters addressed to the Countess of Ossory


Letters addressed to the Countess of Ossory

  • Author: Walpole, Horace, 1717-1797.
  • Title: Letters addressed to the Countess of Ossory, from the year 1769 to 1797. By Horace Walpole, lord Orford. Now first printed from original mss. Edited, with notes, by the Rt. Hon. R. Vernon Smith.
  • Published: London, R. Bentley, 1848.

Catalog Record 

22 848

Acquired May 2019

Mary Isabella Marchioness of Granby

portrait of Mary Isabella Marchioness of Granby

Portrait of Mary Isabella Manners when Lady Granby; bust-length, directed slightly right; wearing feathers and pearls in her hair; in a decorated oval. Court beauties ; no. 9

  • Title: Mary Isabella Marchioness of Granby [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Publish’d by R. Baldwin, April 1st, 1776.

Catalog Record

Portraits Box 83

Acquired February 2019


English coronet auction by K-, P- & Co.

In a large room French aristocrats crowd across a table from Pitt who is taking money while handing a pen to the man opposite who holds a crown in his left arm as he throws coins toward Pitt’s grasping hand. Above Pitt stands George III behind podium, gavel in one hand and another crown extended toward one of the many bidders shouting comments and prices. The King calls out, “This is a lot, gentlemen, of superior brilliancy to the last. This, this raises you above your fellows in a very high degree indeed. I pity your distresses from my soul, what, what, what was that you were saying about jewels, Madames, too high. You may ride over the necks of half the nation with this upon your coach. You may get in debt as fast as you please and never pay. Mind that gentlemen, never pay.” The Queen walks up a ladder behind the King to retrieve more crowns from the shelves behind the King’s podium, turning her head to say, “Pay some attention to that Lady’s jewels, my love.”

  • CreatorByron, Frederick George, 1764-1792, attributed name.
  • TitleEnglish coronet auction by K-, P- & Co., or, Comfort for the late French noblesse [graphic] / designed by Corruption ; executed by Avarice.
  • PublicationLondon : Pubd. by Willm. Holland, No. 50 Oxford Street, July 8, 1790.

Catalog Record 


Acquired May 2017


A pedigree of Walpole to explain the portraits and coats of arms of Strawberry Hill

lwlpr33265 (1024x684)

Genealogical table of the Walpole family starting with Edward I and Reginald de Walpole, and ending with descendants born by January 1776.

  • TitleA pedigree of Walpole to explain the portraits and coats of arms of Strawberry Hill [graphic].
  • Published[Twickenham or London] : [Horace Walpole], anno 1776.

Catalog Record & Digital Collection

486 22+++ Roll

Acquired October 2015


King Henry the Eigth [sic] & Anna Bullen

lwl32073_M (823x1024)

King Henry VIII leads Anne Boleyn towards the throne. A melancholy Cardinal Wolsey leans his head in his hand as he glances sideways toward the couple. In the background Katherine of Aragon sitting in another throne and turns away from the couple to converse with Anne’s former lover, Lord Percy. A young page carries the train of Anne’s dress as she enters the palace.

  • PrintmakerHogarth, William, 1697-1764, printmaker.
  • TitleKing Henry the Eigth [sic] & Anna Bullen [graphic] / design’d & engrav’d by Wm. Hogarth.
  • Edition[State 5].
  • PublishedLondon : Printed for Robert Wilkinson, Cornhil, Carington Bowles in St. Pauls Church Yard & R. Sayer, in Fleet Street, [circa 1790]

Catalog Record & Digital Collection

Acquired October 2014