A satire on gin-drinking

description below

A satire on gin drinking: In a cellar distillery with a large cask a group of male figures with the heads of monkeys and women with heads of cats are drinking heavily with some vomiting.


  • Title: [A satire on gin-drinking] [graphic].
  • Publication: [London?] : [Robert Sayer?], [1766?]

Catalog record

766.00.00.08+ Impression 2

Acquired November 2022

The library

description belowA scene in a fashionable library with ladies and gentlemen conversing with attendants at the counters on either side. On the left a woman looks in a book while her male companion converses with a clergyman, as the woman behind the counter consults a book. On the right, a man sits in a chair as a lady discusses her choices with the man behind the counter who reaches for a book below a sign ‘Stamp’. Behind him is another sign “Just published […]” An older woman with a walking stick approaches the counter on the right, followed by a Black servant and a dog. The windows are filled with books and prints. Through the open door a woman with an umbrella is silhouetted; to the left another sign “History Westminster and its monuments.”


  • Printmaker: Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, printmaker.
  • Title: The library [graphic] / J. Green delt.
  • Publication: [London] : [R. Ackermann], [1813]

Catalog Record


Acquired November 2020

[Interior of a gothic crypt]

lwlpr32043 (724x1024)

Interior of a gothic vault, with a tomb on the left lit by a hanging lamp and decorated with a reclining man in tudor dress holding a baton; to right are a couple leaning against a pillar, and a man holding a torch gesturing towards the tomb …”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • PrintmakerManskirch, Franz Joseph, 1768-1840, printmaker.
  • Title[Interior of a gothic crypt] [graphic] / Mannskirsch delt. & sculp.
  • PublicationLondon : Pubd. Feby. 16, 1799, at R. Ackermanns, 101 Strand …, [16 February 1799]

Catalog Record & Digital Collection


Acquired July 2015