Thomas Inglefield, an artist born without limbs

“Portrait in profile of a young man who lacks hands and legs beyond the knee; full-length, sitting on a cushion before a lectern on the right, drawing a tree with a pen held against his mouth using his left elbow.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • PrintmakerIreland, Samuel, -1800., printmaker.
  • TitleThomas Inglefield, an artist born without limbs [graphic] / etching by S. Ireland, 1787, after F. Grose.
  • Published:[London] : T. Inglefield, 28 May 1787.

Catalog Record


Acquired June 2017

The case of the Joyners Company…

  • AuthorJoyners Company (London, England)
  • TitleThe case of the Joyners Company against the importation of manufactured cabinet-work from the East-Indies.
  • Published[London] : [publisher not identified], [1710?]

Catalog Record 

File 63 710 J89+

Acquired June 2017

The Universal magazine of knowledge and pleasure


  • Uniform TitleUniversal magazine of knowledge and pleasure (London, England : Monthly)
  • TitleThe Universal magazine of knowledge and pleasure: for …
  • Published[London] : Printed by and for M. Brown, in Windmill Court, near West-Smithfield, and for W. Bent, at the Kings Arms, Pater-noster Row, [1747]-[1803]

Catalog Record 

61 Un4

Acquired June 2017

George, &c. Whereas it is humbly meant and complained…..

Indicting Morton, Anderson and Craig for proposing the toast: “George the Third and last, and damnation to all crowned heads.”

  • AuthorScotland. Lord Advocate (Dundas : 1789-1801)
  • TitleGeorge, &c. Whereas it is humbly meant and complained to us by our right trusty Robert Dundas : Esq ; of Arniston, our advocate, for our interest, upon John Morton apprentice to Stewart, Ruthven, and Company, printers in Edinburgh, James Anderson journeyman printer with Mundell and Son printers in Edinburgh, and Malcolm Craig, also journeyman printer with the said Mundell and Son …
  • Published[Edinburgh], [1793]

Catalog Record 

File 523 M88 793

Acquired June 2017

A Derbyshire gentleman’s answer, to the letter from the Cocoa-Tree

‘A letter from the Cocoa-tree’, London, 1762, referred to the formation of an opposition party by the Duke of Cumberland and others.

  • AuthorDerbyshire gentleman.
  • TitleA Derbyshire gentleman’s answer, to the letter from the Cocoa-Tree.
  • Publication[London] : Printed, for E. Moore, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1762.

Catalog Record 

63 762 D42

Acquired June 2017