Democratic principles, illustrated by example

title page

  • Author: Cobbett, William, 1763-1835, author.
  • Uniform Title: [Bone to gnaw, for the Democrats. Pt. 2. Selections]
  • Title: Democratic principles, illustrated by example, part the first : part the second, containing an instructive essay, tracing all the horrors of the French Revolution to their real causes; the licentious politics, and infidel philosophy of the present age / by Peter Porcupine.
  • Edition: Fifth edition.
  • Publication: Dublin : Printed for J. Milliken, No. 32, Grafton-Street, 1797 [i.e. 1798]

Catalog Record

82 798Co

Acquired April 2020

Authentic account of forgeries and frauds….

title page

  • Uniform Title: Authentic account of forgeries and frauds of various kinds committed by Charles Price, otherwise Patch.
  • Title: A new edition, being a more minute and particular account of that consummate adept in deception, Charles Price, otherwise Patch, many years a stock-broker and lottery-office-keeper in London and Westminster : in this edition the whole of his various forgeries and frauds are circumstantially related … till he began that desperate undertaking of forgeries on the Bank of England … : with this edition is given as a frontispiece an exact representation of his person, in the disguise he wore when he negotiated his first parcel of counterfeit bank notes, in the year 1780, and likewise another portrait of him in his usual dress.
  • Publication: London : Printed for the editor, (by whose permission a part only of these memoirs first appeared in the English Chronicle) and sold by G. Kearsley, at no. 46, in Fleet-Street, MDCCLXXXVI [1786]

Catalog Record

53 P925 S786

Acquired April 2020

A circumstantial journal of the long and tedious blockade

title page

  • Author: Ancell, Samuel, -1802, author.
  • Title: A circumstantial journal of the long and tedious blockade and siege of Gibraltar : from the 12th of September, 1779 (the day the garrison opened their batteries against the Spaniards) to the 23d day of February, 1783 : containing an authentic account of the most remarkable transactions, in which the enemy’s motions, works approaches, firings, &c. are particularly described : in a series of letters, from the author to his brother / by S. Ancell, of the 58th Regiment.
  • Publication: Liverpool : Printed by Charles Wosencroft, MDCCLXXXIV [1784]

Catalog Record

63 784 An538

Acquired June 2020

A second letter from Major Scott to Mr. Fox

description below

A defense of Warren Hastings.


  • Author: Scott, Major (John), 1747-1819, author.
  • Title: A second letter from Major Scott to Mr. Fox : containing the final decision of the Governor General and council of Bengal on the charges brought against Rajah Deby Singh.
  • Publication: London : Printed for John Stockdale, opposite Burlington-house, Piccadilly, MDCCLXXXIX [1789]

Catalog Record

53 H27 Sco425b

Acquired April 2020


Les archives du scandale

title page

  • Title: Les archives du scandale : recueil d’aventures galantes, escroqueries célèbres, procès scandaleux, viols, enlèvemens, bigamies, etc., etc., / par M. R***.
  • Published: Paris : Chez Plancher, Libraire de Mercure de France, rue Poupée, no. 7, 1819.

Catalog Record

82 819Ar

Acquired July 2019


The Macaroni and theatrical magazine

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Articles on fashion and manners, satirizing extremes; includes theater news and anecdotes, crime news, poetry, and a monthly register of foreign and domestic occurences, with lists of bankrupts, preferments, marriages, births and deaths. Most plates are satirical illustrations of extreme fashions and their wearers.

  • Title: The Macaroni and theatrical magazine, or Monthly register, of the fashions and diversions of the times. Conducted upon a much more elegant and liberal plan, than any other work of the kind hitherto published.
  • Published: London : Printed for the authors, and sold by John Williams, next the Mitre Tavern, Fleet Street, MDCCLXXII. [1772, i.e. 1773]

Catalog Record 

61 M115

Acquired October 2018