An inventory … of Jeremiah Butt … of Hampton …

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Manuscript, in a single hand, dated and signed by the two appraisers, Charles Winn and Thomas Skimmer. The inventory includes the deceased’s clothes, furniture, household goods including thirty pounds of pewter and forty pounds of brass. The value totaled £9.18.11.

  • Title: An inventory of all and singular the goods, chattles, rights, creditts and effects of Jeremiah Butt of the parish of Hampton in the county of Gloucester, clothworker, deseased …, 1735 December 17.

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LWL Mss File 93

Acquired July 2012

A true and perfect inventory … of Richard Clark, late of Frampton-upon-Severn

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Manuscript, in a single hand, dated and signed by the two appraisers, John Hieron [?] and William Wicksen. The inventory includes all the livestock (and where they located) and the farm equipment. Other items are listed by location: shop, parlour, kitchen, dairy, pantry, and the barn. The value totaled £210.16.0.

  • Title: A true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of Richard Clark, late of Frampton-upon-Severn, in the county of Glocester, yeoman deceased …, 1765 November 1.

Catalog record

LWL Mss File 92

Acquired July 2012

An inventory of … John Hogg … of Stroud

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Manuscript, in a single hand, signed by the two appraisers, Edward Holmes and William [Nilalet?] and dated 17 June 1755. The inventory includes his three looms and weaving tools as well as furniture, kitchen wares, gardening tools, clothes, and other household wares.

  • Title: An inventory of the goods and chattells of John Hogg, late of the parish of Stroud in [the] county of Gloucester, broadweaver deceased …, 1755 June 17.

Catalog record

LWL Mss File 91

Acquired July 2012

A true inventory of … Elizabeth Rose … of Stroud

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Manuscript, in a single hand, dated and signed by the two appraisers, James Winchcombe and J. Heart. The inventory includes a loom and warping barr as well as furniture and kitchen wares, and other items.

  • Title: A true inventory of the goods and chattells of Elizabeth Rose widow late of Stroud in the county of Gloucester …, 1739 February 28.

Catalog record

LWL Mss File 90

Acquired July 2012

An inventory of … Samuell Damsell of Bisley

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Manuscript, in a single hand, signed by the two appraisers, William Gu[rner?] and Giles Davis. The undated inventory includes his loom and weaving tools as well as furniture, kitchen wares, livestock, and “money in purs.”

  • Title: An inventory of the goods, chattels, creditts and effects of Samuell Damsell of Bisley in the county of Glouc[ester] late deceased …, [ca. 1735].

Catalog record

LWL Mss File 89

Acquired July 2012

A catalogue of a part of the household furniture, modern plate, china, fine old port…

A catalogue of a part of the household furniture, modern plate, china, fine old port...

  • Title: A catalogue of a part of the household furniture, modern plate, china, fine old port, a fashionable chariot and harness, and various other effects of John Joseph Powell, Esq., barriser at law, deceased : which will be sold at auction by Mr. Christie on the premises, on Friday, July the 17th, 1801 at twelve o’clock.
  • Published: [London: Christie, 1801]

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Acquired July, 2011 by the Lewis Walpole Library.