[Interior of a gothic crypt]

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Interior of a gothic vault, with a tomb on the left lit by a hanging lamp and decorated with a reclining man in tudor dress holding a baton; to right are a couple leaning against a pillar, and a man holding a torch gesturing towards the tomb …”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • PrintmakerManskirch, Franz Joseph, 1768-1840, printmaker.
  • Title[Interior of a gothic crypt] [graphic] / Mannskirsch delt. & sculp.
  • PublicationLondon : Pubd. Feby. 16, 1799, at R. Ackermanns, 101 Strand …, [16 February 1799]

Catalog Record & Digital Collection


Acquired July 2015


King Henry the Eigth [sic] & Anna Bullen

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King Henry VIII leads Anne Boleyn towards the throne. A melancholy Cardinal Wolsey leans his head in his hand as he glances sideways toward the couple. In the background Katherine of Aragon sitting in another throne and turns away from the couple to converse with Anne’s former lover, Lord Percy. A young page carries the train of Anne’s dress as she enters the palace.

  • PrintmakerHogarth, William, 1697-1764, printmaker.
  • TitleKing Henry the Eigth [sic] & Anna Bullen [graphic] / design’d & engrav’d by Wm. Hogarth.
  • Edition[State 5].
  • PublishedLondon : Printed for Robert Wilkinson, Cornhil, Carington Bowles in St. Pauls Church Yard & R. Sayer, in Fleet Street, [circa 1790]

Catalog Record & Digital Collection

Acquired October 2014

A domestic scene in a garden

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Mounted with three other prints in the series. To view other prints search by call number 799.05.01.01.

  • Printmaker: Ryder, Thomas, 1746-1810, printmaker.
  • Title: [A domestic scene in a garden] [graphic] / Hogarth pinxt. ; T. Ryder sculpt.
  • Published: [London] : Pub. for S. Ireland, May 1, 1799.

Catalog Record & Digital Record

Hogarth 799.05.01.01+ Box

Acquired April 2013

The muse so oft her silver harp has strung …

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An elderly man plays his harp on a hillside surrounded by couples and children. In the distance are mountains and a tower.
Title from the first line of the four-line poem printed below the image.Title continues: “… That not a mountain rears his head unsung. And many an amorous, many a humourous lay, which many a bard had changed many a day.”

Frontispiece to: Jones, E. Bardic Museum. Musical and poetical relicks of the Welsh Bards, v. 2. London : For the author, 1802

  • Printmaker: Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, printmaker.
  • Title: “The muse so oft her silver harp has strung …” [graphic] / the figures drawn by Ibbetson, and the landscape by J. Smith ; etched by Rowlandson.
  • Published: [London] : Published according to act of Parliament Feb. 20, 1802 by Ed. Jones, in Lord Steward’s Court-Yard, St. James’s Place, [20 February 1802]

Catalog Record & Digital Collection


Acquired April 2013

A French family

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Two couples — one middle age and the other youthful — dance in a shabby room.

  • Printmaker: Alken, Samuel, 1756-1815, printmaker.
  • Title: A French family [graphic] / T. Rowlandson delin. ; S. Alken fecit.

Catalog record & Digital collection


Acquired November 2012

The last jig, or Adieu to Old England

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A scene in a tavern cellar, with a young woman, gaily dressed, dancing a jig with a man wearing an apron; at left, a sailor playing the violin, at right, a sailor sitting on steps and leaning forward, smoking, resting his arms on a barrel, another beside him holding a bowl, a young woman standing behind them with a hand on the shoulder of each; behind, three amorous couples, including a sailor sitting on another barrel.

  • Artist: Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827.
  • Title: The last jig, or Adieu to Old England [graphic] / Rowlandson del.
  • Published: [London] : Publish’d January 20th, 1818 by Thos. Tegg, No. 111 Cheapside, [20 January 1818]

Catalog record & Digital collection


Acquired November 2012