Execution of John Stacey, at Winchester

printed text

Printed in two columns. With woodcut illustration at top that depicts the chaotic scene of the execution, which took place on the day of the Magdalen Hill Fair, Winchester, in front of a huge crowd.

  • Title: Execution of John Stacey, at Winchester, for the horrid murders of Mr. Langtrey and his housekeeper, at Portsmouth.
  • Publication: [London] : Printed by J. Catnatch, 7, Monmouth-Court, 7 Dials, [1829]

Catalog Record

File 523 Ex96 829+

Acquired July 2022

The life and mysterious transactions of Richard Morris, Esq

printed text

  • Author: Old acquaintance.
  • Title: The life and mysterious transactions of Richard Morris, Esq. : better known by the name of Dick Spot, the conjuror, particularly in Derbyshire and Shropshire. / Written by an old acquaintance …
  • Publication: London : Printed by T. Maiden, Sherbourne-Lane, for Ann Lemoine, White-Rose-Court, Coleman-Street, and sold by T. Hurst, Paternoster-Row, [1798?]
  • Manufacture: [London] : Printed by T. Maiden, Sherbourne-Lane, Lombard-Street

Catalog Record

53 M877 798

Acquired March 2022

At a meeting of the dealers in hats and gloves

printed text

  • Title: At a meeting of the dealers in hats and gloves, held this day at Robert Marflitt’s, the sign of the Bell in Scarborough aforesaid (pursuant to a recommendation from the Commissioners of the Stamp-Duties) to consider of some method to prevent the evasion of the stamps ordered by Act of Parliament to be affixed thereto and charged therewith.
  • Publication: [Scarborough, England] : [publisher not identified], [1790]

Catalog Record

File 66 790 At862+

Acquired May 2022

A catalogue of goods, to be sold by auction

printed text

  • Title: A catalogue of goods, to be sold by auction, in lots, upon the premises, on Monday the 6th of March, 1786, being the stock in trade and household furniture, the property of the late John Turner, of Derby. : The sale to commence at ten o’clock, and continue ’till the whole is disposed of.
  • Publication: Derby [England] : Printed by J. Drewry, [1786]

Catalog Record

123 C357 786

Acquired May 2022

A comprehensive abstract of the three Bristol police, and regulation acts

printed text

  • Author: Bristol (England)
  • Title: A comprehensive abstract of the three Bristol police, and regulation acts : passed in the fifth sessions of the sixteenth Parliament of Great Britain, and the twenty-eighth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the IIId. King of Great Britain, &c. &c.
  • Publication: Bristol : Printed by G. Routh for Sam. Johnson, 1788.

Catalog Record

64 B77 788

Acquired January 2022

An account of the proceedings respecting the Armed Association

printed text

An account of the foundation meeting of the Hull Armed Association, set up by the ‘Merchants, Ship-Owners, and other Inhabitants’ in February 1798 to ‘assist the Magistrates in support of Civil Society, and for the Defence of the Town, in case the Military should be ordered away, to oppose the landing or resist the progess of the Enemy’.

  • Title: An account of the proceedings respecting the Armed Association of the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood of Kingston-upon-Hull.
  • Publication: [Hull?] : [publisher not identified], [1798?]

Catalog Record

File 63 H87 798+

Acquired March 2022

Impartial thoughts on war and peace

printed text

  • Title: Impartial thoughts on war and peace : together with some hints regarding the ability of Great Britain to carry on the contest, should it be unavoidable.
  • Manufacture: [London] : Printed by W. Bulmer and Co., Cleveland-Row, St. James’s, [1803]

Catalog Record

File 63 803 Im34

Acquired August 2021

(No. 1)[-No. Four] of the Mitchelliad, or, the Tyne Mercury analyz’d

printed title page

A controversy between Samuel Delaval Mara of the Theatre-Royal, Newcastle upon Tyne, and John Mitchell, editor of the Tyne Mercury.

  • Author: Mara, Samuel Delaval, author.
  • Title: (No. 1)[-No. Four] of the Mitchelliad, or, the Tyne Mercury analyz’d / by S.D. Mara, of the Theatre-Royal, Newcastle.
  • Publication: Newcastle : Printed and sold by David Bass, foot of Pilgrim Street, 1804.

Catalog Record

769 1804 M298

Acquired August 2021

Dandyism displayed, or, The follies of the Ton

description below

Etched frontispiece by George Cruikshank: Dandies in a morning dress; Dandies in a evening dress

  • Author: Bisset, J., author.
  • Title: Dandyism displayed, or, The follies of the Ton ; humbly dedicated (without permission) to a lord of the Willow-Boys; to the noble Sham-Peter & his white charger, prince of the dandy blood royal; and to that renowned son of Mars and Venus, the great captain … To which is added, What is a dandy? / by J. Bisset, Esq.
  • Edition: Second edition.
  • Publication: London : Published by Duncombe, book and music seller, 19, Little Queen Street, Holborn, [approximately 1820]

Catalog Record

657 820 B623

Acquired October 2021

The ax laid to the root of the corrupt tree

printed text title page

  • Author: Blanch, N., author.
  • Title: The ax laid to the root of the corrupt tree, or, An essay on the hard case of the retail-traders, citizens, shopkeepers, &c. of the city of London : in regard to their trade, as at present invaded by hawkers and pedlars : humbly addressed to the gentlemen that may either be nominated, or offer themselves for candidates against the next general election for representatives in Parliament : with advice to the electors, and recommended to all others whom it may concern : shewing that the principal cause of the decrease of the legal trade of this city is more owing to our own faults therein / by a liveryman.
  • Edition: The second edition.
  • Publication: London : Printed for the author; and sold by C. Corbett,, at Addison’s Head, over-against St. Dunstan’s Church in Fleet-Street, [1741?]

Catalog Record

646 741 B639

Acquired August 2021