Valentine’s day, or, The 14th Febry.
Published: [England? : s.n., ca. 1793]
BrSides 793.00.00.141++
A large cotton handkerchief printed with red ink (madder); the drop head title is printed on a ribbon suspended between two trumpets and is divided after the word ’valentine’ by a portrait of Pope. The central cartouche shows three scenes of courtship and is encircled by a knotted ribbon, every other loop in a heart-shape, and contains the lines beginning: I liked you best for true love it is a precious pleasure of a value more than rich mens treasure … The lines of a love song telling the story of the courtship and marriage of Johnny and Mary are printed in the ribbons flowing on either side of the title ribbon. Along the bottom are two more scenes — one of the betrothal, the other the wedding — with two love birds in a small cartouche dividing the two scenes.

Detail from handkerchief

Print on cotton : etching, madder ; 61 x 67 cm
Subjects (Library of Congress): Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744–Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.); Couples; Courtship; Cupids; Marriage; Valentines; and Songs.
Lewis Walpole Library new acquisition: March, 2009