Over weight, or, The sinking fund, or, The downfall of faro

“Lady Buckinghamshire, enormously fat, is seated in profile to the right in an open chariot which sinks through a rectangular aperture in front of the Weigh-House, its weight being too great for the apparatus for weighing wagons. She throws up her arms and one leg, dropping her whip and reins. The hind legs of the plunging horses are in the pit; they snort wildly; the chariot and horses resemble those of Phaeton burlesqued. On the chariot is an oval escutcheon with four quarterings (cards, dice, wine-bottle, and glass) and the letter ‘B’. On the right (behind) are two street-lamps on tall pyramidal posts.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • PrintmakerNewton, Richard, 1777-1798, printmaker, artist.
  • TitleOver weight, or, The sinking fund, or, The downfall of faro [graphic] / Rd. Newton del. et fecit.
  • PublicationLondon : Pubd. by S.W. Fores, corner of Sackville Street, March 14, 1797.

Catalog Record and Digital Collection


Acquired November 2016

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