- Author: Hill, P. (Philippina)
- Title: Mrs. Hill’s apology for having been induced, by particular desire, and the most specious allurements that could tempt female weakness, to appear in the character of Scrub, Beaux stratagem : for one night only, at Brighthelmstone, last year, 1786, when the theatre was applied for by the Honourable George Hanger, and engaged for that purpose; with an address to Mrs. Fitzherbert. Also, some of Mrs. Hill’s letters to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Mrs. Fitzherbert, and others. The dénoum̂ent, with events and remarks, that may not be deemed uninteresting to this nation at large / by Mrs. Hill.
- Published: London : Printed for the authoress, and sold by G. Kearsley, Fleetstreet, and E. Harlow, St. James’s Street, [1787]
53 H645 787
Acquired July 2013