Kondo effect in quantum dots
(see also poplar article in Physics World, 14, 33 (2000) [cond-mat/0104100] and a tutorial on quantum dots physics: “Nanophysics: Coherence and Transport,” eds. H. Bouchiat et al. (Elsevier, 2005), pp. 427-478 (Les Houches 2004 Summer School Lecture Notes) [cond-mat/0501007])
-Prediction of the ballistic electron conductance (unitary limit of transmission) in the conditions of Kondo effect:
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-Kondo effect out of equilibrium: Elucidation of the leading mechanism of the suppression of Kondo effect:
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-Kondo effect at the singlet-triplet transition:
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-Quantum critical point and two-channel Kondo effect in a quantum dot device:
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Electron energy relaxation in Kondo scattering
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-A detailed theory of inelastic electron scattering off a magnetic impurity:
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Effect of hyperfine interactions on the electron spin evolution in a quantum dot:
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