Having a beautiful, weed-free, thriving lawn is something that most homeowners strive for. However, it can be hard to attain this level of grass health without using toxic chemicals or harming the environment. Many homeowners want to eliminate weedy lawns but are unsure how to do this without causing harm to neighboring areas. If you are also striving for a weed-free lawn, here are 10 eco-friendly ways to eliminate weeds:
Try Natural Weed Killers
There are many natural weed killers available that use ingredients like vinegar or corn gluten meal to kill weeds without harming the environment. Try using these natural methods before you take more drastic measures. In many cases, a natural weed killer is sufficient to keep weeds at bay, especially when combined with other techniques that help the lawn be as healthy as possible.
Follow the Instructions
No matter what kind of weed killer you use, it’s important to make sure that you follow the instructions carefully. This helps to keep the neighboring environment from being contaminated and keeps animals and native plants from being damaged. It also helps keep people and pets from having contact with poisonous or toxic chemicals.
Prevent Runoff
If you can’t use natural weed killers or they aren’t working, there are ways to use stronger weed killers in a way that is less damaging to the environment. Make sure that you don’t apply too much herbicide, and make sure that it can’t run off into nearby rivers or streams. Don’t apply it before irrigating or rain, unless the instructions specifically say to do this.
Spot-Treat Weeds
When you need to apply a herbicide, try to do it sparingly. Apply the solution only in the areas where it is needed, targeting specific weeds if possible. If you need to apply the weed killer over a larger area, make sure that you only use it where it’s needed and try to avoid splashing or spraying it anywhere else.
Mow at the Right Height
Mowing at the right height for your grass type can help it grow thick and lush, which can help prevent weeds from taking over. If you cut your grass too short, it can damage it or make it struggle. This can allow weeds to get the upper hand or allow sunlight to reach the surface of the soil, triggering more seeds to sprout.
Water Deeply and Infrequently
Watering deeply and infrequently will encourage deep root growth in your grass, which can help it compete better with weeds. The healthier your grass is, the better it will choke out weeds and fewer weed seeds will have a chance to sprout. Healthy grass keeps weeds at bay much better than stunted, dormant, or diseased grass.
Organic fertilizers can help your grass grow stronger and healthier, which can make it more resistant to weeds. Keeping your grass tall, thick, and healthy is the most important thing you can do to help keep weeds from growing in your lawn. Add fertilizer when needed so that the grass can be as healthy as possible and continue actively growing.
Pay Attention to Other Landscaping
In areas where you don’t have grass, it’s helpful to keep the weeds suppressed. Allowing weeds to get started in areas near your grass can increase the chances of them spreading into your lawn. Applying deep mulch around plants can help suppress weeds by preventing them from getting enough sunlight to grow. Research to find out which mulches work best in your area and apply them as deeply as needed to keep the weeds from growing.
Another option is to consider planting ground cover plants like clover or creeping thyme that can help suppress weeds while adding beauty to your lawn and landscaping. Groundcover can be even better at suppressing weeds than mulch because groundcover plants compete with weeds for water, nutrients, and other resources.
Use Hand Tools
Hand weeding can be time-consuming, but it’s an eco-friendly way to get rid of weeds without using chemicals. It’s especially beneficial for weeds that are occasional visitors as opposed to an infestation. It also works best with large plants that are easy to see and dig. When you see a new weed in your yard, simply use a trowel or other tool to remove it. Try to get as much of the weed and root as possible. Keep an eye on the area to make sure it doesn’t regrow.
Improve Soil Quality
Healthy soil can help your grass grow stronger and more resistant to weeds. Consider using compost or other organic soil amendments to improve soil quality. Check PH levels and watch for diseases as well, in order to ensure that your lawn is as healthy and thick as possible. Adding amendments that can help to change the soil PH, raise fertility, add organic material, and help increase the quality of the soil. Aerating your lawn can also help by reducing soil compaction and increasing water and nutrient absorption.
Keeping your lawn healthy by following good lawn care practices can help prevent weeds from taking over. Regular mowing, watering, and fertilizing can all help your lawn grow strong and healthy without damaging the neighboring environment or harming your pets.