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5 Things to Buy Before Your Baby Arrives

Welcoming a new little one into the family is exciting, although most new parents also feel some anxiety and stress. There’s a lot to do to prepare for a baby’s arrival. Between setting up the nursery, getting enough clothes, diapers, and baby wipes for the first few weeks, and prepping a hospital bag, expectant parents might feel like there isn’t enough time to get everything done. It’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed, but as every parent knows, the joy and overwhelming love you’ll feel for your new baby will soon eclipse the feelings of stress and anxiety.

Even so, it’s always good to be prepared. If you’re feeling stressed by all of the things you have to get done, don’t worry. Getting organized can help you to prioritize tasks and feel less overwhelmed. Making a list of items you need to buy before the baby’s arrival can be helpful. You can even use this list to create a baby shower registry so that your friends and family can pitch in to purchase must-have items. Not sure if your list is complete? Check out these essentials and add them to your list if you haven’t already!

1. Diaper Bag

You’ve probably stocked up on diapers already, but how are you going to tote them around while on the go? A diaper bag is essential for new parents because face it, your usual purse or backpack just isn’t going to cut it once you have a little one in tow. You’ll want a bag that can hold several diapers, wipes, a few extra outfits for the baby, toys, bottles, pacifiers, blankets, and anything else your baby might need while you’re out. Yeah, babies need a lot of stuff. Look for a bag with plenty of room to spare, but also one that’s comfortable to carry. Diaper backpacks have become popular because they hold a ton, are easy to carry, and leave your hands free. Diaper bags come in a variety of styles, so you can find one that’s not only practical but also suits your personal style!

2. Baby Sound Machine

One struggle that many parents share is getting their little ones to sleep at night. While you should be prepared for some sleepless nights, there are a few things you can do to help your baby sleep at night. Many find that a baby sound machine can help soothe their child and get them to sleep faster. Why are these machines effective? For one, they’ll drown out other sounds that might wake up your baby. Also, white noise can create an environment similar to where a baby slept while in the womb, where they were constantly surrounded by the noise of their mother’s beating heart, steady breathing, and blood pumping. Ask any parent and you’ll find that anything is worth a try to get your baby to sleep through the night. 

3. Baby Car Seat

The day you bring your baby home from the hospital is an unforgettable moment. But it’s important to prepare for the big day by buying a baby-safe car seat to transport your bundle of joy home as safely as possible. When you go to buy a car seat, you’ll find that there are seemingly endless options. It’s important to do your research beforehand on the appropriate car seat for a newborn and also the safety features you should look for in a good car seat. Also, make sure you look into the car seat laws in your area.

4. Stroller

Strollers are great for taking your baby out, whether you need to run to the store or you just want to get out of the house and take a walk around the neighborhood. Like car seats, you’ll find that strollers come in a surprisingly large variety of models and styles. Before you go shopping, look into which model will be best for you. Jogging strollers are made for people who like to run and want to bring their baby along. Some strollers fold up and are easy to load into a car, and some have plenty of space to carry a diaper bag and other essentials. Whatever your needs are, there’s a stroller that will work for you!

5. Baby Monitor

Baby monitors are a parent’s best friend. They allow you to keep an eye on your little one while they’re sleeping in another room. A baby monitor will alert you if your baby starts to stir or cry, and some come with a camera that allows you to see the baby as well. It’s perfect for checking on your little one during naptime from anywhere in the house, or to wake you up when they start to cry in the middle of the night.

Preparing for the arrival of a little one is exciting but can also be overwhelming for expectant parents. With a little organization and planning, your baby preparations will go smoothly. Make a list of what you need to buy and what you need to do before your little one arrives, and you’ll be able to track your progress as the big day gets closer. Be sure to add the items above to your list and you’ll be ready for the arrival of your little bundle of joy.

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