It is discernible in all the units of the human race, and therefore must be or ought to be discernible in the totality itself
And so all parts which we have designated
as included in kingdoms, and kingdoms themselves, should be ordered with reference to one Principality
Dante, De Monarchia, 1 IV 1.
The working group funded by the Yale Whitney Humanities Center investigates the relevance of the cultural foundations of law and public administration for both the understanding and making of law, and the understanding and restructuring of public administration. The premise that our laws and our institutions are culturally bound, and thus to a certain degree predetermined, calls for the implementation of a comparative cultural approach as a means to reassess current legal and administrative structures, and as a valuable aid in the assessment and making of law.
Upcoming events
- Jan. 17, 2024: H. Lind (Yale CIPE/SS): “Are Legal Fictions Good Governance?” (talk)
- Feb. 12, 2024: A. Caro Borrero (Yale Law School): “Enlightened Constitutionalism” (talk)
- Jul. 11/12, 2024: Conference “Cultures of Governance: Toward a Good Administration”
- TBA: C. Ruhl (Frankfurt): “Brasilia or London? Competing Administrative Architectures” (talk)
All events are held at Fellows Hall, room 134.