Yale Scientific Teaching Fellow, 2016
Advanced Teaching Workshops, Yale Center for Teaching and Learning:
Beyond Academics: The Role of the TF outside the classroom (2016F), Teaching as Research; How we learn: the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning; Religion in the Classroom (2017S)
Fundamentals of Teaching in STEM, Yale Center for Teaching and Learning, McDougal Graduate Teaching Fellow, Fall 2016
Curriculum Consultation, Yale Center for Teaching and Learning, Introductory Biology Series curriculum redesign and teaching as research project, 2016-2017
CIRTL Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning:
Associate (2016), Practitioner (2016), and Scholar (2017)
Certificate of College Teaching Preparation, Yale, 2017
Coursework: Fundamentals of Teaching in the Sciences, Promoting Gender Equality in the Classroom, Webinar on Online Teaching and Learning, Preparing to Teach Graduate Students, Course Design, How to Create an Inclusive Classroom, Engaging Students in Section through Active Learning, Writing a Teaching Statement, Teaching Technical Journal Articles
North Side Elementary School of Science, Math, and Technology, NSF Graduate K-12 STEM fellow, teaching Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students about my original research and STEM fields, 2012-2014
Teach For America, summer training institute: Quitman County, MS, Secondary Math faculty, Greene County High School, Eutaw, AL, Secondary Math faculty, 2010-2011
American University of Kuwait, Teaching Assistant for Chemistry and Biology departments, Laboratory coordinator for Intensive English Program, all levels, 2010